Robin是什么意思 Robin的读音、翻译、用法

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'Robin' 是英语单词,翻译为中文是“知更鸟”。它是一种常见的小鸟,主要分布在欧洲、北非和亚洲地区,它们的羽毛呈现出深棕色和橙色斑点的组合。'Robin' 这个词语不仅可用作名词,还可用作动词,表示“赶走”或“踢出”的意思。

以下是9个含有 'Robin' 的例句:

1. I saw a robin in my garden this morning.(今天早上我在花园里看到一只知更鸟。)

2. The robin's nest was hidden in the bushes.(知更鸟的鸟巢藏在灌木丛里。)

3. The robin chirped a sweet melody.(知更鸟唧唧喳喳地唱着美妙的歌。)

4. The cat tried to catch the robin, but it flew away.(猫试图抓住知更鸟,但它飞走了。)

5. The robin is a symbol of spring in many cultures.(在许多文化中,知更鸟是春天的象征。)

6. The robin built its nest in a tree outside my window.(知更鸟在我窗外的一棵树上筑巢。)

7. The robin's egg was a beautiful shade of blue.(知更鸟的蛋是一种美丽的蓝色。)

8. I robin-proofed my garden to protect my plants.(我为了保护植物而在花园里防止知更鸟的入侵。)

9. The robin darted across the sky, its wings beating rapidly.(知更鸟飞快地穿过天空,翅膀迅速地跳动着。)


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