melanine是什么意思 melanine的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Melanine is responsible for the color of our skin, eyes and hair.(黑色素决定了我们的皮肤、眼睛和头发的颜色。)

2. Dark-skinned people have more melanine in their skin than light-skinned people.(深肤色的人体内黑色素含量比浅肤色的人高。)

3. Lack of melanine can cause albinism, a genetic disorder that affects skin, hair and eyes.(缺乏黑色素会导致白化病,一种影响皮肤、头发和眼睛的遗传疾病。)

4. Melanine production can be stimulated by exposure to sunlight.(阳光照射可以刺激黑色素的生成。)

5. Some animals use melanine as a camouflage to protect themselves from predators.(有些动物使用黑色素作为伪装来保护自己免受天敌的攻击。)

6. Melanine is also used in the food industry as a natural coloring agent.(黑色素在食品工业中也被用作天然色素。)

7. People with darker melanine are less e to sunburn and skin cancer.(黑色素较多的人不容易晒伤和得皮肤癌。)

8. The amount of melanine in our eyes determines our eye color.(我们眼睛中的黑色素含量决定了我们的眼睛颜色。)

9. Melanine can be affected by certain medications, causing changes in skin pigmentation.(黑色素可以受到某些药物的影响,导致皮肤色素发生变化。)


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