Kritosaurus是什么意思 Kritosaurus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The skeleton of Kritosaurus is now exhibited at the American Museum of Natural History.(刻齿龙的骨架现在在美国自然历史博物馆展出。)

2. Fossilized eggs of Kritosaurus were discovered in a nest in Montana.(蒙大拿州发现了刻齿龙的化石蛋。)

3. Kritosaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period.(刻齿龙是一种生活在晚白垩世的植食性恐龙。)

4. The skull of Kritosaurus was long and slender, with a narrow snout and sharp teeth.(刻齿龙的头骨又长又细,嘴巴狭长且长有锋利齿齿。)

5. Kritosaurus is believed to have migrated long distances in search of food.(刻齿龙据信曾为寻找食物而进行长途迁徙。)

6. Scientists have identified several species of Kritosaurus based on differences in skull shape and other skeletal features.(科学家根据头骨形状和其他骨骼特征的差异,确定了几个刻齿龙的物种。)

7. The discovery of Kritosaurus fossils has provided valuable information about the diversity of dinosaur species that existed during the Late Cretaceous period.(刻齿龙化石的发现为晚白垩世恐龙物种的多样性提供了有价值的信息。)

8. Kritosaurus had a relatively small brain compared to its large size.(相对于其巨大的体型,刻齿龙的大脑相对较小。)

9. Some paleontologists believe that Kritosaurus may have used its sharp teeth to strip bark from trees in order to access nutritious inner layers of wood.(一些古生物学家认为,刻齿龙可能利用它锋利的牙齿从树皮上剥下木头,以便获得有营养的内部木质层。)


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