Dong Zhuo是什么意思 Dong Zhuo的读音、翻译、用法

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'Dong Zhuo'这个词语来源于汉语,是中国历史上著名的一位权臣。他是东汉末年的一个军阀,曾废黜皇帝,专权一时,为民间所不齿。常见的翻译有 “董卓”、“东周”等。


1. 东周时期,周人讲究什么礼仪?

(During the Eastern Zhou period, what rituals did the Zhou people emphasize?)

2. 《史记》中记载,东周时期有七国分立。

(Records of the Grand Historian recorded that there were seven states during the Eastern Zhou period.)

3. 《论语》是春秋时期至东周时期的一部哲学著作。

(The Analects is a philosophical work from the Spring and Autumn period to the Eastern Zhou period.)

4. 孔子是东周时期的伟大思想家和教育家。

(Confucius was a great thinker and educator of the Eastern Zhou period.)

5. 《诗经》是东周时期的一部诗歌集。

(The Book of Songs is a collection of poetry from the Eastern Zhou period.)

6. 东周的天子地位开始下降,大权被诸侯占据。

(The status of the Eastern Zhou dynasty began to decline, and the power was held by the feudal lords.)

7. 东周时期的哪些事件影响了中国历史的发展?

(Which events during the Eastern Zhou period had an impact on the development of Chinese history?)

8. 春秋战国时期,中国的科技发展迅速,东周时期也出现了很多著名的发明。

(During the Spring and Autumn period to the Warring States period, China's technology development was rapid, and many famous inventions also appeared during the Eastern Zhou period.)

9. 东周时期,尧、舜、禹等先民被尊为圣人。

(During the Eastern Zhou period, legendary figures such as Yao, Shun, and Yu were revered as sages.)


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