Maotai是什么意思 Maotai的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 我们在餐厅尝过了Maotai酒,味道很不错。

we tasted Maotai wine in the restaurant and it tasted so good.

2. 她每次出差都会买一瓶Maotai酒,送给家里的亲戚朋友。

she always buys a bottle of Maotai wine for her relatives and friends when she travels on business.

3. 中国茅台酒可以说是中国酿酒业的代表,Maotai酒的名字也因此变得越来越有名。

Chinese Maotai wine can be said to be the representative of China's brewing industry, and the name of Maotai wine is becoming more and more famous.

4. 这家餐厅的招牌菜是鸳鸯锅,搭配上一杯Maotai酒,简直是美味无比。

the signature dish of this restaurant is the mandarin duck hot pot, paired with a glass of Maotai wine, it is absolutely delicious.

5. 他在过年的时候送了一瓶Maotai酒给奶奶,奶奶非常喜欢。

he gave a bottle of Maotai wine to his grandmother during Chinese New Year, and she liked it very much.

6. 这瓶Maotai酒虽然价格比较贵,但是绝对值得一尝。

although this bottle of Maotai wine is expensive, it is definitely worth a try.

7. 我们参观了茅台镇的酒厂,了解了Maotai酒的生产过程。

we visited the distillery in Maotai town and learned about the production process of Maotai wine.

8. 这种Maotai酒是经过xx年陈放而成的,被誉为珍品。

this kind of Maotai wine is matured for 50 years and is considered a rare treasure.

9. 我们在酒店的酒吧里品尝了Maotai酒,感受到了贵州的浓厚文化底蕴。

we tasted Maotai wine in the hotel bar and felt the profound cultural heritage of Guizhou.


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