Metastrongylus是什么意思 Metastrongylus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The prevalence of Metastrongylus infection in pigs is relatively high in some regions.(中肠纵隆线虫感染在某些地区的猪群中相对较高。)

2. Dogs infected with Metastrongylus often exhibit coughing and wheezing.(感染中肠纵隆线虫的狗经常出现咳嗽和喘息。)

3. The lifecycle of Metastrongylus involves several stages, including eggs, larvae, and adult worms.(中肠纵隆线虫的生命周期涉及几个阶段,包括、幼虫和成虫。)

4. The infection rate of Metastrongylus in wild boars varies greatly depending on the region.(野猪中肠纵隆线虫感染率因地区而异。)

5. It is important to properly diagnose and treat Metastrongylus infection in animals to prevent further spread.(正确诊断和治疗动物中肠纵隆线虫感染非常重要,以防止进一步传播。)

6. Metastrongylus is considered a zoonotic parasite, meaning it can also infect humans.(中肠纵隆线虫被认为是一种人畜共患寄生虫,也可以感染人类。)

7. The symptoms of Metastrongylus infection in humans can include coughing, shortness of breath, and fever.(人类感染中肠纵隆线虫的症状可以包括咳嗽、呼吸急促和发烧。)

8. The use of anthelmintic drugs can effectively treat and control Metastrongylus infection in animals.(使用驱虫药物可以有效治疗和控制动物中肠纵隆线虫感染。)

9. Regular deworming and hygiene practices can help prevent the spread of Metastrongylus and other parasitic infections in animal populations.(定期驱虫和卫生习惯可以帮助预防中肠纵隆线虫和其他寄生虫感染在动物群体中的传播。)


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