thiosulfate是什么意思 thiosulfate的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Sodium thiosulfate is used in photography for fixing the image on the film.(硫代硫酸钠被用作照相术中的定影剂。)

2. The patient was given an injection of sodium thiosulfate to counteract the effects of cyanide poisoning.(为了对抗氰化物中毒的影响,这名患者被注硫代硫酸钠。)

3. Silver halides can be removed from photographic film using a solution of sodium thiosulfate.(使用硫代硫酸钠溶液可以从照片底片中去除银卤化物。)

4. The presence of thiosulfate in water can interfere with the detection of certain metals.(水中的硫代硫酸盐可能会干扰某些金属的检测。)

5. Sodium thiosulfate is used in the treatment of calciphylaxis, a rare condition characterized by skin lesions and tissue death.(硫代硫酸钠被用于治疗一种罕见的病症——钙磷异常沉积症,该病症特征为皮肤损伤和组织死亡。)

6. Thiosulfate ions can react with chlorine to form chloride ions and sulfate ions.(硫代硫酸盐离子可以与氯反应,生成氯离子和硫酸盐离子。)

7. Sodium thiosulfate is sometimes added to processed food as a preservative.(硫代硫酸钠有时被添加到加工食品中作为防腐剂。)

8. Thiosulfate solutions are used in ytical chemistry to determine the concentration of various substances.(硫代硫酸盐溶液在分析化学中用于测定各种物质的浓度。)

9. The reaction between hydrochloric acid and thiosulfate ions produces sulfur dioxide gas.(盐酸和硫代硫酸盐离子之间的反应会产生二氧化硫气体。)


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