1. Tacca chantrieri具有独特的黑色花朵,被称为“黑魔法花”。(Tacca chantrieri has unique black flowers and is known as the "black magic flower".)
2. Tacca integrifolia通常生长在沼泽地和草原,在澳大利亚和太平洋岛屿上都常见。(Tacca integrifolia commonly grows in swamps and grlands and is widespread in Australia and Pacific Islands.)
3. Tacca nivea是一种灌木,高度可达1.5米,其花朵呈淡。(Tacca nivea is a shrub that can grow up to 1.5 meters tall and has pale yellow flowers.)
4. Tacca leontopetaloides是夏威夷的一种本土植物,是一种牡荆科的植物。(Tacca leontopetaloides is a native plant in Hawaii and belongs to the Rubiaceae family.)
5. Tacca palmata生长在潮湿的热带森林中,是一种纤细的多年生草本植物。(Tacca palmata grows in wet tropical forests and is a slender perennial herb.)
6. Tacca sumatrana是一种生长在马来半岛和苏门答腊的植物,其花朵呈淡,常常被用于园艺和草药。(Tacca sumatrana is a plant that grows in the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra and has pale yellow flowers. It is often used in rticulture and herbal medicine.)
7. Tacca cristata的花冠可能超过20厘米长,是该属种中最大的花朵之一。(The corolla of Tacca cristata can exceed 20 cm in length, it one of the largest flowers in the genus.)
8. Tacca chantrieri的根茎被认为具有药用价值,在中国和越南等国家被用于草药治疗。(The rhizomes of Tacca chantrieri are believed to have medicinal value and are used in traditional herbal medicine in countries like China and Vietnam.)
9. Tacca integrifolia的种子可以用于食品制造,其味道与核桃相似。(The seeds of Tacca integrifolia can be used for food production and have a flavor similar to that of walnuts.)
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