protium是什么意思 protium的读音、翻译、用法

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'protium' 是英语词汇,中文翻译为“普通氢”。普通氢是指没有中子的氢原子,它是氢的一种同位素,也是地球上最常见的元素。


1. The most common isotope of hydrogen is protium. (最常见的氢同位素是普通氢。)

2. Protium makes up about 99.98% of all hydrogen in the universe. (普通氢在宇宙中占据99.98%的氢元素。)

3. Protium is the simplest and lightest element in the periodic table. (普通氢是元素周期表中最简单、最轻的元素。)

4. The chemical symbol for protium is H. (普通氢的化学符号是H。)

5. Protium does not have any neutrons in its nucleus. (普通氢的原子核中没有任何中子。)

6. Protium is used in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. (普通氢在核磁共振(NMR)实验中被使用。)

7. The majority of the hydrogen in the Earth's atmosphere is protium. (地球大气中的氢的大部分是普通氢。)

8. Protium is essential for life, as it is a major component of water. (普通氢对生命至关重要,因为它是水的主要组成部分。)

9. Protium has a proton in its nucleus and an electron in its orbit around the nucleus. (普通氢的原子核中有一个质子,电子绕着核运动。)


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