popcorn是什么意思 popcorn的读音、翻译、用法

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1. I love eating popcorn while watching movies. (我喜欢看电影的时候吃爆米花。)

2. The smell of freshly popped popcorn fills the air. (新鲜爆开的爆米花的气味弥漫了空气中。)

3. We sell ered popcorn at the concession stand. (我们在售卖处出售黄油味的爆米花。)

4. Popcorn is a popular snack during the holiday season. (在假期季节,爆米花是一种受欢迎的小吃。)

5. My mom makes the best stovetop popcorn. (我妈妈做的炉子顶部爆米花是最好吃的。)

6. I accidentally spilled my popcorn on the floor. (我不小心把我的爆米花洒在了地上。)

7. The movie theater serves sweet and salty popcorn. (电影院提供甜味和咸味的爆米花。)

8. I always buy a large bucket of popcorn when I go to the movies. (每次我去看电影时,我总是买一大桶爆米花。)

9. The kids were excited to make their own popcorn at the carnival. (孩子们非常兴奋地在嘉年华会上自己制作爆米花。)


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