Spartacus是什么意思 Spartacus的读音、翻译、用法

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1. Spartacus fought for the of slaves in ancient Rome. (Spartacus为古罗马的奴隶自由而战。)

2. The gladiator Spartacus led a rebellion against the Romans. (角斗士Spartacus率领反叛罗马人。)

3. The TV series 'Spartacus' depicts the life of the famous gladiator. (电视剧《克斯》描绘了这位著名角斗士的生活。)

4. Spartacus and his followers marched towards Rome, hoping to overthrow the government. (Spartacus及其追随者向罗马进军,希望推翻。)

5. Many people regard Spartacus as a hero for his bravery and determination. (许多人因其勇气和决心而视Spartacus为英雄。)

6. The rebellion led by Spartacus was eventually crushed by the Roman army. (Spartacus领导的反抗最终被罗马打败了。)

7. The story of Spartacus has been adapted into numerous films and novels. (Spartacus的故事被改编成了许多电影和小说。)

8. Spartacus' legacy as a symbol of resistance against oppression continues to inspire people today. (Spartacus作为对抗压迫的象征的遗产仍然激励着今天的人们。)

9. The statue of Spartacus stands as a reminder of the struggle for and equality. (Spartacus的雕像象征着为自由和平等而奋斗的历程。)


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