despecialisation是什么意思 despecialisation的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The trend towards despecialisation in the workforce has created a need for employees with a broad range of skills.(工作人员向普通化转变的趋势创造了一个需要广泛技能的员工)

2. Despecialisation in the legal profession has contributed to the rise of legal technology.(法律行业的去专业化推动了法律技术的发展)

3. The despecialisation of education has led to a greater emphasis on teaching transferable skills.(教育的去专业化导致更加强授可转移技能)

4. The despecialisation of healthcare has seen an increase in the use of general practitioners.(医疗保健的去专业化看到了全科医生使用的增加)

5. Despecialisation may lead to a dilution of expertise in certain areas.(去专业化可能导致某些领域专业知识的稀释)

6. The trend towards despecialisation in the arts has led to the emergence of interdisciplinary works.(艺术领域向普通化转变的趋势导致跨学科作品的出现)

7. The despecialisation of journalism has led to a decline in investigative reporting.(新闻行业的去专业化导致调查报道的下降)

8. The despecialisation of the workforce has led to a blurring of the lines between different job roles.(工作人员的去专业化导致不同职业角色之间的界限模糊)

9. Despecialisation has allowed for greater innovation and creativity in certain industries.(去专业化在某些行业中促进了更多的创新和创造力)


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