geta是什么意思 geta的读音、翻译、用法

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1. 今天我穿上和服和geta去参加朋友的婚礼。(Today I wore a kimono and geta to attend my friend's wedding.)

2. 夏天我喜欢穿浴衣和geta去参加祭典。(In the summer, I like to wear a yukata and geta to attend festivals.)

3. geta 的鞋底很结实,适合在户外活动穿着。(The sole of geta is very sy and suitable for outdoor activities.)

4. 他的geta 颜色很漂亮,是紫色的。(His geta is very beautiful in color, it is purple.)

5. 我在日本旅行时买了一双geta,很舒适。(I bought a pair of geta when I traveled to Japan, they are very comfortable.)

6. 在日本,很多人喜欢穿着geta去逛街。(In Japan, many people like to wear geta to go shopping.)

7. 在传统的日本婚礼上,新娘通常会穿着和服和geta。(In traditional Japanese weddings, brides usually wear kimono and geta.)

8. 在日本的温泉旅馆里,客人通常会穿着浴衣和geta。(In Japanese hot spring inns, guests usually wear yukata and geta.)

9. 我的geta 绳子断了,我需要修理一下。(The strap of my geta is broken, I need to repair it.)


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