John Williams是什么意思 John Williams的读音、翻译、用法

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'John Williams'这个词语来自英语,是一个常见的人名,也是一个知名的作曲家。John Williams多次获得奥斯卡奖,并且为许多电影配乐,如《星球大战》、《哈利波特》、《超人》等。此外,John Williams还是一位指挥家和吉他手。

以下是含有'John Williams'的9个英语例句,带有中文翻译:

1. John Williams composed the iconic music for the Star Wars movies.(约翰·姆斯为《星球大战》系列电影谱写了标志性的音乐。)

2. My favorite guitar player is John Williams.(我最喜欢的吉他手是约翰·姆斯。)

3. John Williams won his first Academy Award for composing the score of Jaws.(约翰·姆斯因为为电影《大白鲨》谱写配乐而获得他的第一个奥斯卡奖。)

4. The Boston Pops Orchestra performed John Williams' music at the Fourth of July celebration.(波士顿交响乐团在xx月xx日庆典上演出了约翰·姆斯的音乐。)

5. John Williams conducted the orchestra for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.(约翰·姆斯为奥运会开幕式指挥了交响乐团。)

6. The theme song from Jurassic Park was composed by John Williams.(电影《侏罗纪公园》的主题曲是由约翰·姆斯谱写的。)

7. John Williams announced his retirement from composing music for films.(约翰·姆斯宣布从电影配乐行业退休。)

8. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone features music composed by John Williams.(电影《哈利·波特与魔法石》的音乐是由约翰·姆斯谱写的。)

9. John Williams received a Grammy Award for his contributions to the music industry.(约翰·姆斯因为对音乐行业的贡献获得了格莱美奖。)


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