shale是什么意思 shale的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The oil company has been drilling in the shale formations in North Dakota.(这家石油公司一直在北达科他州的页岩地层钻探。)

2. Shale gas production has increased dramatically in recent years.(近年来,页岩气的生产量急剧增加。)

3. This region is rich in shale reserves.(这个地区的页岩储量丰富。)

4. The extraction of oil from shale rock is a complex process.(从页岩岩石中提取石油是一个复杂的过程。)

5. The fracking of shale gas has been controversial due to its environmental impact.(由于其环境影响,页岩气的水力压裂受到争议。)

6. Shale oil has been touted as an alternative to traditional crude oil.(页岩油被吹捧为传统原油的替代品。)

7. The geology of shale formations varies from region to region.(页岩地层的地质情况因地区而异。)

8. Many countries are exploring their shale gas resources.(许多国家正在探索其页岩气资源。)

9. The high pressure required for shale gas extraction poses risks to the surrounding environment.(页岩气开采所需的高压会对周围环境造成风险。)


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