Chelmsford是什么意思 Chelmsford的读音、翻译、用法

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1. The train from London to Chelmsford takes about half an hour.(从伦敦到切尔姆斯福德的火车大约需要半个小时。)

2. Chelmsford Cathedral is a beautiful example of Norman architecture.(切尔姆斯福德大教堂是诺曼建筑的一个美丽例子。)

3. The Chelmsford City Council voted unanimously to approve the new housing development.(切尔姆斯福德市议会一致同意批准新住房开发计划。)

4. The Chelmsford Museum has a fascinating collection of artifacts from ancient times.(切尔姆斯福德博物馆拥有来自古代的一系列有趣的文物。)

5. Chelmsford is known for its lively nightlife and many pubs and bars.(切尔姆斯福德以其充满活力的夜生活和众多酒吧和酒馆而闻名。)

6. The Chelmsford Grammar School is one of the oldest and most prestigious schools in the country.(切尔姆斯福德文法学校是该国最古老、最有声望的学校之一。)

7. The Chelmsford Marathon is a popular event for runners from all over the world.(切尔姆斯福德马拉松比赛是来自世界各地的跑步者们喜爱的活动。)

8. The Chelmsford High Street is lined with shops and restaurants, it a great place to shop and dine.(切尔姆斯福德高街上有许多商店和餐厅,使之成为购物和用餐的好地方。)

9. The Chelmsford Station is a busy transportation hub, with trains and buses connecting the city to other parts of the country.(切尔姆斯福德车站是一个繁忙的交通枢纽,火车和公共汽车连接该市与该国其他地区。)


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