Peter Norton是什么意思 Peter Norton的读音、翻译、用法

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'Peter Norton'是英语中的一个名字,可以翻译成“彼得·诺顿”。彼得·诺顿是一位知名的计算机科学家和企业家,他著名的产品包括Norton Antivirus、Norton Utilities等。在英语中,“Peter Norton”也有时被用来形容计算机领域的专家或权威。

以下是9个含有“Peter Norton”的例句:

1. Peter Norton的公司在计算机安全领域拥有广泛的影响力。(Peter Norton's company has a wide influence in the field of computer security.)

2. 彼得·诺顿被誉为计算机领域的先驱之一。(Peter Norton is regarded as one of the pioneers in the field of computers.)

3. 我们的计算机上安装了彼得·诺顿的杀毒软件。(We have installed Peter Norton's antivirus software on our computer.)

4. 彼得·诺顿已经发表了多篇关于计算机安全的重要文章。(Peter Norton has published many important articles on computer security.)

5. 这本书由彼得·诺顿编写,介绍了计算机网络的基本知识。(This book, written by Peter Norton, introduces the basics of computer networking.)

6. 彼得·诺顿在计算机领域拥有非常深入的知识。(Peter Norton has a very deep knowledge of the computer field.)

7. 彼得·诺顿常常被邀请到各种计算机安全会议上发表演讲。(Peter Norton is often invited to speak at various computer security conferences.)

8. 彼得·诺顿的杀毒软件一直被公认为是最好的之一。(Peter Norton's antivirus software has always been recognized as one of the best.)

9. 彼得·诺顿的著作对计算机领域的发展有着深远的影响。(Peter Norton's works have had a profound impact on the development of the computer field.)


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