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关于”没写题目扣几分“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Deduct a few points for not writing a topic。以下是关于没写题目扣几分的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Deduct a few points for not writing a topic




1. 段落格式错误


2. 标点符号错误


3. 拼写和语法错误


4. 标题、日期和格式错误



If there are errors in the format of an English essay points are usually deducted and the specific deduction standards may vary depending on the teacher. Here are some common errors in English essay format and their corresponding deduction standards

1. Paragraph format error

If an essay is not properly divided into paragraphs or if each paragraph is too long or too short it is often scored down. Generally each paragraph should contain a topic sentence and multiple supporting sentences.

2. Punctuation errors

If an essay has too many or too few punctuation marks or if punctuation marks are not used properly (for example consecutive use of commas or periods) points will be deducted.

3. Spelling and grammar errors

Spelling and grammar errors severely affect the readability and accuracy of an essay. You should repeatedly check your essay to ensure that all words are spelled correctly and all grammar structures are used correctly.

4. Title date and format errors

The title and date of an essay should be placed in the first line and use a specific format as required by the teacher. If the essay format is incorrect such as font line spacing indentation etc. points will also be deducted.

In conclusion the correct essay format is the basis for writing a good English essay. If you spend time carefully reviewing your essay and ensuring that it meets basic formatting requirements you will receive a higher score.


如果高考英语作文没有写完则根据考官的标准不同可能会扣掉 5 分到 20 分不等的分数具体的扣分情况会根据文章内容的完整性、语确性、单词拼写准确性等方面综合考虑因此在写作过程中一定要合理安排时间把握好文章结构和方向尽量保证文章的完成度和质量

If you don't finish your English composition in the college entrance examination you may lose about 5 to 20 points depending on the standards of the examiners. The deduction of scores will be based on the completeness of the content the correctness of grammar the accuracy of word spelling and other aspects. Therefore during the writing process you must arrange your time reasonably grasp the structure and direction of the essay and try your best to ensure the completeness and quality of the essay.

标签: 高分 高考

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