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关于”怎样交朋友“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:How to make friends。以下是关于怎样交朋友的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to make friends

Not everyone in the society needs friends, but how to make friends is our problem. On the one hand, we can make friends according to the following principles, be a good listener and let people talk about what they really want to say. You are a good listener.

On the other hand, you understand him and are friendly to others. Everyone will have trouble. Therefore, we should be friends with people at any time Well, you will have many friends.

It's easy to make friends if you do it with your heart.




Friends are one of the most important factors in a happy life. Making new friends is very enjoyable. However, sometimes it's a bit tricky work.

You need to express a sense of balance. You don't want them to think that you are not interested in them or very interested. When you meet a new person, the first thing you need to do is find a way to talk to him or her, for example, if you meet someone in a class If you meet him or her in other places, you can go to them and say, isn't the weather very good? By starting chatting naturally, you will.

Second, you have to find a way to keep in touch with him / her. Even if you give him / her such a good first impression, you can't call him / her as a friend. In order to maintain the relationship, you must be able to contact people.

In that case, you can get closer and closer to this person. Last but not least, you have to face him or her now Her face-to-face, you can contact him or her through your mobile phone, social network service, or other means, contact them in your way, try to arrange a time to meet them, meet them face-to-face is the cornerstone of improvement, turn your relationship into a real friend, and it's also a good idea to partite in an event together.




I think a true friend can share your happiness, and also can share your happiness. When one of you makes a mistake, the other can speak up. When you are sad, you can cry on your friend's shoulder.

If you want to make more true friends, you need to be sincere to others. Everyone is willing to be honest and kind-hearted people are their friends You'd better have the same hobbies, so that you can often play together, have common interesting topics, talk about real good friends can accompany you all your life, we must cherish the friendship between friends, which can make our life more happy.



标签: 真题 专升本

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