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关于”母爱“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:maternal love。以下是关于母爱的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:maternal love

(maternal love) there is a person who is very important in our life, she is our mother a few days ago, our school invited a famous person, a young speaker Yang Qingsong, he gave us a speech on maternal love, I still remember his words left a deep impression on many students, many students were listening carefully, tearful. I am also strict with his wonderful speech, which reminds me of my childhood when I was young. When I was depressed, the world seemed dark and empty.

When I got lost, it was my mother who made me cheer up and made the world suddenly bright and colorful. My mother held my hand and told me that everything would be better because of her, and I always felt happy and confident; I Thanks to my mother, she not only gave me the greatest love in the world, but also led me to success.


(母爱) 有一个人在我们的生活中非常重要,她就是我们的母亲 前几天,我们学校邀请了一位著名的人物,一位年轻的演说家杨青松,他给我们做了一个关于母爱的演讲,我还记得他的话给很多学生留下了深刻的印象,许多学生都在认真地听着,泪流满面。我对他的精彩演讲也很严格,这让我想起了我小时候的童年,当我情绪低落的时候,世界似乎是黑暗而空虚的当我迷路的时候,是我的母亲让我振作起来,让世界突然变得明亮多彩,妈妈握着我的手告诉我,一切都会因为她而变得美好,我总是感到幸福和自信;我感谢我的母亲,她不仅给了我世界上最伟大的爱,但她也带领我走上成功之路。


My mother taught me to cherish good work. "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I've just finished cleaning." my mother taught me religion.

"You'd better pray that the carpet will appear." my mother taught me time travel. "If you don't correct it, I'll beat you until next week." my mother taught me logic. "Because I said, that's why" my mother taught me foresight.

" Be sure to wear clean underwear. In case you have an accident, "my mother taught me sarcasm." keep laughing at me. I'll give you something to cry.

"My mother teaches me to penetrate science." shut up for dinner. "My mother teaches me jujitsu." will you look at the soil behind your neck? "My mother teaches me endurance." you'll sit there until all the spinach is gone. "My mother teaches me the weather." it looks like a tornado The wind swept through your room.

"My mom taught me how to solve physics problems." if I yelled because I saw a meteor coming at you, would you listen to "my mother taught me hypocrisy." if I told you once, Eve told you never to exaggerate the cycle of my mother's teaching me life. "I brought you into this world, I can take you out." my mother taught me how Change behavior "don't do what your father did." my mother taught me to be jealous that "there are millions of unfortunate children in the world who don't have good parents like you.".




Mother's Love

Mother's love is the greatest and purest love in the world. From the moment a baby is born the mother will devote herself to taking care of her child in every possible way.

A mother's love is selfless and unconditional. She will sacrifice her own needs and desires for the sake of her child. She will stay up all night to tend to a sick child spend hours helping with homework and work tirelessly to provide for her family.

A mother's love is also forgiving and patient. She may get upset or frustrated with her child but she always forgives and forgets. She knows that her child is not perfect but she loves them anyway.

A mother's love is also empowering. She encourages her child to chase their dreams and be the best they can be. She provides a safe and loving environment for her child to grow and learn.

In short a mother's love is irreplaceable. It shapes us into the person we are today and gives us the strength and courage to face life's challenges. We should cherish and appreciate our mother's love every day.







标签: 真题 高中

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