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关于”myweekend5句话“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:myweekend5 sentence。以下是关于myweekend5句话的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:myweekend5 sentence

1. I spent my weekend relaxing at home and watching some movies. 我的周末在家里放松看了一些电影

2. On Saay I went hiking with some friends in the nearby mountains. 周六我和一些朋友一起在附近的山上徒步旅行

3. Sunday morning I went to church for a religious service with my family. 星期天早晨我和家人一起去教堂参加仪式

4. In the afternoon I visited my grandparents and had a lovely time chatting with them. 下午我去拜访了我的祖父母和他们聊天度过了愉快的时光

5. Overall it was a quiet and enjoyable weekend filled with rest relaxation and quality time with loved ones. 总体来说这是一个安静而愉快的周末充满了休息、放松和与亲人共度的美好时光

万能作文模板2:myweekend5 句

1. On Saay I went shopping with my friends in the mall.


2. Sunday morning I slept in and enjoyed a lazy brunch with my family.


3. Later in the day I went for a hike in the mountains and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.


4. I also got some studying done over the weekend and feel more prepared for my upcoming exams.


5. Overall it was a great weekend filled with fun activities and valuable rest time.



1. Last weekend I went hiking with my friends in the mountains. 上个周末我和我的朋友们去山里徒步旅行了

2. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and fresh air. 我们欣赏了美丽的风景和清新的空气

3. After the hike we had a picnic and played some games. 徒步旅行之后我们野餐并玩了一些游戏

4. On Sunday I visited my grandparents and had lunch with them. 星期天我拜访了我的祖父母并和他们一起吃午餐

5. In the evening I watched a movie at home with my family. 晚上我在家里和我的家人一起看电影

6. Overall it was a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. 总的来说这是一个轻松愉快的周末

标签: 满分 五年级

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