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关于”高级词汇“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Advanced Vocabulary。以下是关于高级词汇的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advanced Vocabulary

1. Inevitable (不可避免的)

Inevitably as technology continues to advance the job market will continue to shift and change.


2. Conundrum (难题谜团)

The company found itself in a conundrum when it realized it had to lay off employees to cut costs but also needed to maintain its high level of productivity.


3. Diligent (勤勉的)

Her diligent work ethic and attention to detail allowed her to excel in her career.


4. Pragmatic (实用主义的)

In the business world it’s important to be pragmatic and focus on what will actually work rather than just theoretical ideas.


5. Elusive (难以捉摸的)

Despite their efforts the police have so far been unable to catch the elusive criminal.


6. Salient (显著的)

One of the most salient features of the new product is its improved battery life.


7. Prolific (多产的)

The author is known for being prolific having written dozens of books over the course of his career.


8. Nuance (细微差别)

There are many nuances to the English language and even native speakers may not be aware of all of them.


9. Ubiquitous (无处不在的)

Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society with nearly everyone owning at least one.


10. Resilient (有弹性的适应力强的)

In times of crisis a resilient person is able to adapt and overcome challenges more easily than others.



1. Moreover the implementation of this policy has yielded positive results.


2. It is imperative that we address the issue of climate change in a comprehensive manner.


3. The government's new proposal has sparked intense debate among the public.


4. The adverse effects of pollution on our environment cannot be overstated.


5. In order to ensure sustainable development we must take immediate action to protect our natural resources.


6. It is essential that we promote cultural diversity and strive for harmony among different ethnic groups.


7. The emergence of new technologies has revolutionized the way we live and work.


8. The proliferation of social media has transformed the way we communicate and interact with one another.


9. It is incumbent upon us to protect the rights and dignity of all individuals regardless of their race gender or ual orientation.


10. The current state of the global economy presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses and consumers alike.



1. Furthermore the government needs to implement more comprehensive measures to combat climate change such as investing in renewable energy sources and enforcing stricter regulations on carbon emissions. (此外需要实施更全面的措施来应对气候变化如投资于可再生能源和加强对碳排放的严格监管)

2. On the other hand some people argue that genetic engineering can lead to unforeseen consequences and should be approached with caution. (另一方面一些人认为基因工程可能会导致意想不到的后果应该谨慎对待)

3. Additionally it is essential that we prioritize the education and healthcare sectors to ensure the well-being and prosperity of our citizens. (此外我们应该优先考虑教育和医疗保健部门以确保我们公民的福祉和繁荣)

4. However we must also acknowledge the challenges and complexities that come with implementing such policies particularly in terms of their economic feasibility and political viability. (然而我们也必须承认实施这些政策所面临的挑战和复杂性特别是在经济可行性和可行性方面)

5. Moreover it is imperative that we address the root causes of poverty and inequality rather than simply treating the symptoms. (此外我们必须解决贫困和不平等的根本原因而不仅仅是治疗症状)

6. Nevertheless we must not underestimate the power of individuals and graoots movements to effect change in their communities and beyond. (然而我们不能低估个人和基层运动在他们的社区和更广泛范围内造成变化的力量)

7. In addition it is essential that we foster a culture of innovation and creativity in order to stay competitive in a rapidly changing global landscape. (此外我们必须培养创新和创造力的文化以在一个快速变化的全球环境中保持竞争力)

8. Nonetheless we must be mindful of the potential risks and negative consequences that can arise from technological advancements particularly those that affect our privacy and security. (然而我们必须谨记科技进步可能带来的潜在风险和负面后果特别是那些影响我们隐私和安全的方面)

9. Furthermore it is crucial that we prioritize environmental conservation and sustainable development in order to preserve our planet for future generations. (此外我们必须优先考虑环境保护和可持续发展以保护我们的星球为后代留下一片净土)

10. Nevertheless we must also recognize the importance of economic growth and job creation particularly in developing countries where poverty is rampant. (然而我们也必须认识到经济增长和创造就业的重要性特别是在贫困严重的发展中国家)

标签: 高分 考研

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