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关于”15分怎么扣分“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:How to deduct 15 points。以下是关于15分怎么扣分的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to deduct 15 points


1. 题意理解(10分)是否准确理解了题目要求是否能够准确回答题目所提出的问题

2. 文章结构(10分)文章是否有明确的开头、中间、结尾是否有清晰的段落是否有一定的逻辑性

3. 内容完整(20分)是否介绍了所有的主要观点和细节并能够展示出自己的想法和观点

4. 语言表达(30分)用词是否准确恰当语法是否正确是否有足够的词汇量和句型能力是否有多样性和连贯性是否能够清晰地表达自己的观点

5. 语言准确性(20分)是否有拼写错误、标点错误、语法错误等


1. Understanding of the topic (10 points) Whether the requirements of the topic are accurately understood whether the questions posed by the topic can be answered accurately.

2. Article structure (10 points) Whether the article has a clear beginning middle and end whether there are clear paragraphs whether there is some logicality.

3. Completeness of content (20 points) Whether all the main points and details are introduced and whether their own ideas and viewpoints can be displayed.

4. Language expression (30 points) Whether the words used are accurate and appropriate whether the grammar is correct whether there is enough vocabulary and sentence structure ability whether there is diversity and coherence and whether they can express their own ideas clearly.

5. Language accuracy (20 points) Whether there are spelling errors punctuation errors grammar errors etc.

万能作文模板2:如何扣除 15 分

1. Task fulfillment (任务完成度)

Score 5 The essay fully addresses the assigned task and stays on topic. The main points are presented clearly and effectively.

Score 4 The essay addresses the assigned task and mostly stays on topic. The main points are presented clearly.

Score 3 The essay attempts to address the assigned task but may not stay on topic. The main points may not be presented clearly.

Score 2 The essay does not address the assigned task and does not stay on topic. The main points are not presented clearly.





2. Organization (组织结构)

Score 5 The essay is well-organized and easy to follow. There is a clear introduction body paragraphs and conclusion. Transitions are smooth and effective.

Score 4 The essay is mostly well-organized and easy to follow. There is an introduction body paragraphs and conclusion. Transitions are mostly smooth and effective.

Score 3 The essay is somewhat organized but may be difficult to follow. There may be an introduction body paragraphs and conclusion but they may not be clearly defined. Transitions may be unclear or lacking.

Score 2 The essay is disorganized and difficult to follow. There is no clear introduction body paragraphs or conclusion. Transitions are absent or confusing.





3. Vocabulary and Grammar (词汇和语法)

Score 5 The essay demonstrates a high level of vocabulary and grammar. Sentences are varied and well-constructed. There are few errors in grammar and usage.

Score 4 The essay demonstrates a good level of vocabulary and grammar. Sentences are generally well-constructed with a few errors in grammar and usage.

Score 3 The essay demonstrates an adequate level of vocabulary and grammar. Sentences may be simple and repetitive with some errors in grammar and usage.

Score 2 The essay demonstrates a low level of vocabulary and grammar. Sentences are simple and repetitive with numerous errors in grammar and usage.





4. Content and Development (内容和发展)

Score 5 The essay demonstrates a clear and thorough understanding of the topic with well-developed and insightful ideas. Relevant examples are effectively used to support the main points.

Score 4 The essay demonstrates a good understanding of the topic with developed ideas. Relevant examples are used to support the main points.

Score 3 The essay demonstrates an adequate understanding of the topic with some developed ideas. Relevant examples may be used to support the main points.

Score 2 The essay demonstrates a limited understanding of the topic with undeveloped ideas. Relevant examples may be lacking or ineffective.





5. Style and Tone (文风与语气)

Score 5 The essay has an engaging and appropriate style and tone. The author's voice is clear and consistent throughout the essay.

Score 4 The essay has a generally engaging and appropriate style and tone. The author's voice is mostly clear and consistent throughout the essay.

Score 3 The essay has a somewhat engaging and appropriate style and tone. The author's voice may not be consistently clear throughout the essay.

Score 2 The essay has a dull or inappropriate style and tone. The author's voice is unclear or inconsistent throughout the essay.







This is the most popular expression of our students: "we students are always ready for all kinds of courses and homework." we can't stop any step or even one step, otherwise others will be ahead of us or we will be far behind others. We must be ready for me at any time, and other people's pressure, the general students also have the same pressure as others. "Ordinary I just try my best, don't worry about whether the scores have flying colors and flying colors.

We don't need to say goodbye game time. You and I are just ordinary people. The pressure of playing time depends more or less on your attitude and thinking In my opinion, the pressure depends on your attitude and Chinglish.



标签: 高分 中考

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