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关于”图表分析型“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:chart ysis type。以下是关于图表分析型的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:chart ysis type

1. Bar chart - 条形图

2. Line chart - 折线图

3. Pie chart - 饼状图

4. Scatter plot - 散点图

5. Bubble chart - 气泡图

6. Area chart - 面积图

7. Radar chart - 雷达图

8. Gantt chart - 甘特图

9. Heat map - 热力图

10. Watell chart - 瀑布图

11. Stacked bar chart - 堆积条形图

12. Box plot - 箱线图

13. Flowchart - 流程图

14. Sankey diagram - 桑基图

15. Treemap - 树状图

Note These translations are for general reference only and may vary depending on the context.


Analysis type English composition is a type of writing that involves yzing a particular topic subject or issue. This type of writing requires the writer to break down the topic into its constituent parts examine each part and draw conclusions about the topic based on the ysis.



The chart ilrates the percentage of household income spent on different goods and services in a typical low-income household in the United States. The data is based on a study conducted in 2018.

From the chart it is evident that the largest expenditure for a low-income household is on housing which accounts for almost 30% of their income. This is followed by food and transportation which account for approximately 15% and 14% respectively. Other significant expenditures include healthcare utilities and personal insurance and pensions.

Interestingly very little is spent on entertainment and education which only account for 2% and 1% respectively. This can be attributed to the fact that low-income families have limited resources to allocate towards discretionary spending.

Overall this chart highlights the financial struggles faced by low-income households in the United States. It emphasizes the need for policies and programs that support these families and provide them with greater financial stability.





标签: 真题 考研

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