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关于”对00后的看法“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Views after 00。以下是关于对00后的看法的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views after 00

In fact, it is a little difficult for a selfish person to communicate with others. If you ask me this question, you have indeed asked others for help, and you may have many ideas, practical plans and many suggestions before. But my advice may help a lot.

First, let you open your heart. You shouldn't be afraid to be hurt. Remember that no one will hurt you easily.

Second, you need to build confidence. You will find it difficult because you are satisfied with the way you live now. You always walk away and nod.



万能作文模板2:00 之后的视图

I like to eat popsicles. Whether it's hot summer or cold winter, the feeling of eating popsicles in the two seasons of summer is so different. The weather is too hot and I don't want to eat anything.

Except for popsicles, I often buy a lot of popsicles in the refrigerator. I usually eat ten popsicles a day. When the ice water flows into my throat, I feel that my whole world is cold You recover from the hot weather, but in the cold winter, eating popsicles in the cold winter will make you feel colder, you will shiver because of the cold, it seems that you are frozen, but this is the exciting feeling I like.




I have lost my interest. I caught a stream of spring water with a brisk "bang". The water duck swam in the water for a long time.

For a moment in the water, I was like a free fish fry, and then like a carefree bird. Sometimes I swam forward wildly, sometimes into freestyle, rolling back and forth into the deep water. I kept waving my hands and feet The dancing water spray is like a little elegant girl and a lovely boy.

It's very beautiful.



标签: 满分 八年级

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