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关于”留守儿童“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Left-behind children。以下是关于留守儿童的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Left-behind children

statistics show that in rural areas, more than one million children whose parents leave home to look for work in cities have reached the national level, as more and more migrant workers from all over China have responded to the call of China's booming employers. Family division poses challenges to traditional families, family structure and parenting styles. Xie Guangxiang, Deputy Secretary General of the Anhui provincial government, said that among the potential problems faced by family children, lack of family education, declining academic performance and other psychological problems were found in a survey conducted by the all China Women's Federation (ACWF) in Jingmen City, Hubei Province, in May last year, the all China Women's Federation (ACWF) showed that local children's lives were in stayathome Poor conditions, poor education, lack of security, communication difficulties, the survey results were published on the Federation's website last week.

About% of the children interviewed said they would like to stay with their parents. About% of the children interviewed said they felt unsafe when they were alone. For such children, the five most urgent problems are counseling, psychological help, safety, and financial support and communication.

To solve this problem, a working group was set up in October last year by more than a dozen government agencies, such as the office of the rural workers' Federation of the State Council and the all China women's Federation, to cooperate with other government agencies, including education Gradually introduce laws and regulations to protect the rights and interests of street children.





Dear mayor: I am a middle school student. I am writing to tell you that there are many left behind children around us. Their parents are working in other places.

Most of them come from rural areas. You know they have many problems. They are always lonely and stressed.

Because they lack the love of their parents, they are easy to make mistakes and even do some illegal things because they lack of love from their parents In my opinion, how to solve their problems? The government can set up a parents' school for these children on holidays. You can organize "hands-on" activities and call on more people to help them. "You can also raise money and donate money to these children.

As the song says," if everyone gives their love, the world will become better. "For us, it's off Note these children are very important, if we want to build a harmonious society, sincerely wish you, Li Hua care.




Left behind children have become a heavy topic today, because most parents of left behind children think that it is the most important task to let them grow up healthily and safely. In fact, in addition to meeting their children's basic needs, parents should pay more attention to their children's psychological needs and education. On the one hand, parents who can't accompany their children often need to pay more attention to their children's Psychological needs mental health has a great impact on children's healthy growth.

If children's psychological needs are not met, then their mental health has a great impact on children's healthy growth. They will feel disappointed and lonely, and even do some extreme things. Therefore, when meeting the basic needs of their life, parents also need to pay more attention to their children's emotions and feelings However, it is also one of the reasons why parents in rural areas do not receive education at home.

Some parents in rural areas think that their children do not need education. For a long time, this ignorance of education, especially for girls, has made the education level of the whole country low. In my opinion, knowledge can change our destiny.

Education is an effective way to change the future of these children. We should pay enough attention to the education of left behind children. In order to make left behind children grow up healthily, we need to pay more attention to their psychological needs and education.



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