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关于”5句话简单我的一天“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:5 simple words for my day。以下是关于5句话简单我的一天的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:5 simple words for my day

1. I wake up at 700am and have breakfast. 我早上7点起床吃早餐

2. I go to school at 830am and study until 300pm. 我8点半去学校一直学到下午3点

3. After school I usually do my homework and study for a few hours. 放学后我通常会做功课和学习几个小时

4. In the evening I have dinner with my family and watch TV or read a book. 晚上我和家人一起吃晚饭看电视或看书

5. Before going to bed I brush my teeth and read for a little while. 睡前我刷牙并读书一会儿

万能作文模板2:5 个简单的单词为我的一天

1. I woke up early this morning and had a nutritious breakfast.


2. After breakfast I went to school by bus.


3. I had four cl in the morning and three in the afternoon.


4. After school I went to the park with my friends and played basketball.


5. In the evening I watched a movie with my family at home.



1. I wake up at 7am and get ready for the day. 我在早上7点醒来并准备好开始新的一天

2. I have breakfast at 8am usually cereal or toast. 我在早上8点吃早餐通常是麦片或吐司

3. I go to school from 9am to 3pm and study different subjects. 我从早上9点到下午3点上学学习不同的科目

4. After school I do my homework and study for exams. 放学后我做作业和复习考试

5. In the evening I relax by watching TV or reading a book before going to bed at 10pm. 晚上我会通过看电视或读书来放松自己然后在晚上10点前睡觉

标签: 满分 八年级

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