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Wechat is very popular now, even foreigners are crazy about this communication tool. Wechat has various functions, such as chatting with friends and paying bills. One of the most popular functions is to send a red envelope.

If people want to attract everyone's attention in group chat, sending a red envelope works well. Everyone is excited to share money. If they get money, they will feel lucky.

This function brings happiness. I like it very much. Sometimes when I hear the voice, I will turn on the phone and try to get the money as soon as possible, I will be very happy.


微信现在很流行,连外国人都为这个交流工具而疯狂。微信的功能是多种多样的,比如和朋友聊天和付账。最热门的功能之一就是发红包,如果人们想在群聊中吸引每个人的注意力,发一个红包效果很好,每个人都很兴奋分享钱,如果他们得到钱,他们会感到幸运 这个功能带来了幸福,我非常喜欢它有时当我听到声音,我会打开电话,争取尽快拿到钱,当我打开红包,我会非常高兴。


Since the reform and opening up in the last century, China's economy has developed rapidly, science and technology are in line with the world, and wechat, a popular social tool, was born in China. But now it has conquered the world and people are crazy about it. The reason why people like to use wechat is that its functions are all-round before wechat.

Although the most popular social tool like Facebook is very creative But if you want to communicate better, you have to download another software. For wechat, everything is very simple. You don't need to download another software.

You can pay to have a webcam with your friends. Your friends' comments to you are more personal and only ordinary friends can share it. Because it is so convenient, people say they can do anything We should be proud of us and show the world that the Chinese are creative.




Wechat is very popular now, and even foreigners like it very much. Wechat has a variety of functions, such as chatting with friends and paying bills. One of the most popular functions is to send red packets.

If people want to attract everyone's attention in group chat, the effect of sending red packets is very good. Everyone is willing to share the money. If they get the money, they will feel lucky.

This function brings happiness. I like it very much. Sometimes when I hear the sound, I will turn on the phone and try to get the money as soon as possible.

When I open the red envelope, I will be very happy.



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