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关于”人们变得对科技上瘾“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:People become addicted to technology。以下是关于人们变得对科技上瘾的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:People become addicted to technology

With the development of modern science and technology, smart phones with their outstanding functions are widely welcomed around the world. People can use mobile phones to surf the Internet, update microblogs and upload the latest pictures. At any time, smart phones seem to have become an indispensable part of people's daily life.

However, some people are addicted to smart phones, which has had a negative impact on their normal life It's easy for some people, especially agers, to fall in love with smartphones. First of all, people are under great pressure now. Mobile phones provide a platform for people to relax.

By playing games, chatting with friends, watching movies and listening to music, people can easily forget their problems. Second, there is always something new in the mobile phone. It can be interesting, mysterious and diverse, so people are eager to turn on the mobile phone and want to know what's going on around them.

When people spend too much time on their mobile phones, they don't have enough opportunities to communicate with their friends or parents. Their attention is attracted by the virtual world, and they lack good self-control. They are vulnerable to smartphone addiction And they should focus on their study and work.

I think people should take smart phone addiction seriously. It takes time and patience to get rid of Internet addiction. People should turn off their mobile phones, go out to communicate with others face to face, do more exercise, and form an optimistic attitude towards life.





Nowadays people are increasingly relying on technology in their daily lives. From smartphones to laptops to social media technology has become a ubiquitous part of modern society. However this reliance on technology has raised concerns about whether people have become addicted to it.


Many people feel a compulsive need to check their phones or social media accounts constantly even when they are in the midst of important activities such as work or spending time with family and friends. This constant need for stimulation and connection could be a sign of addiction.


Moreover studies have shown that excessive use of technology can lead to negative effects such as anxiety depression and poor sleep quality. This further supports the idea that people may be addicted to technology.


In conclusion while technology has undoubtedly brought numerous benefits to our lives it is important to be mindful of its potential negative impacts and to use it in moderation. It is up to each individual to determine whether they are truly addicted to technology and take steps to address any issues that may arise.



With the rapid development of technology more and more people have become addicted to it. They spend countless hours on electronic devices such as smartphones computers and tablets and can barely put them down. This phenomenon has caused widespread concern because excessive use of technology is harmful to both physical and mental health.


Firstly addiction to technology can lead to physical health problems. People who spend long hours sitting in front of their electronic devices are at risk of developing a range of musculoskeletal disorders including neck and back pain carpal tunnel syndrome and eye strain. In addition the blue light emitted from electronic screens can disrupt sleep patterns leading to sleep deprivation and associated health problems.


Secondly addiction to technology can have negative effects on mental health. People who spend too much time on electronic devices may experience anxiety depression and social isolation. They may also develop a lack of concentration and reduced memory function which can affect their performance at work or school.


In conclusion while technology plays an important role in our lives it is essential to use it responsibly and avoid becoming addicted to it. People should set limits on their screen time engage in physical activities and spend quality time with family and friends to maintain a healthy balance between technology and real life.


标签: 满分 三年级

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