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关于”做菜有步骤“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Cooking steps。以下是关于做菜有步骤的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Cooking steps


1. 准备食材要做好一道美味的菜肴首先要准备好所需的食材根据食谱列出所需的食材清单然后在市场或超市购买

2. 清洗和切割将食材洗净去除不需要的部分然后按照不同的菜肴要求切成不同的形状和大小

3. 烹饪方法根据不同的菜肴要求选择对应的烹饪方法比如煎、炸、炒、煮、蒸等等

4. 调味加入适量的盐、糖、酱油等调料提高菜肴的口感

5. 装盘做好的菜肴需要精心地装盘让它看起来更加美味可口

6. 享用把做好的菜肴端上桌和家人朋友一起享用

Cooking Steps

1. Prepare ingredients To make a delicious dish you first need to prepare the necessary ingredients. Make a list of the required ingredients according to the recipe and buy them from the market or supermarket.

2. Wash and cut Wash the ingredients and remove any unnecessary parts. Then according to the requirements of different dishes cut them into different shapes and sizes.

3. Cooking method Choose the corresponding cooking method according to the requirements of different dishes such as frying deep-frying stir-frying boiling steaming etc.

4. Seasoning Add an appropriate amount of salt sugar soy sauce and other seasonings to enhance the taste of the dish.

5. Plating The finished dish needs to be carefully plated to make it look more delicious.

6. Enjoyment Serve the finished dish to your family and friends to enjoy together.


Ingredients: egg 1 / 4 tons salt and pepper with tomato sauce, cut into 1 / 8 tons salt water tomato sauce, corn starch starch chopped scallion method: beat the egg gently, add a hot tbsp oil, stir the egg in the frying pan until set, then take it out of the frying pan, clean the frying pan with another tbsp oil, stir the tomato pieces, add the second ingredient when it is fast cooked, add the egg, and stir fry quickly with high fire Take it out of the heating furnace and sprinkle with scallion.




FAW litro feed tomato omelette by Dr. prinl health Meier new green food: organic eggs, field tomatoes, 1 / 2 avocado chopped, fresh basil leaves sliced, shredded into a few sfuls of extra virgin olive oil and sea salt, tasting usage: warm the oil in the olive pan, stir the eggs in a medium-sized bowl with a medium low heat fork, mix tomatoes, fresh basil and sea salt, taste in the pot Cover the pan evenly with eggs, tomatoes and fresh basil mixture. After one minute, check the bottom of the eggs with a flat spatula to make sure the eggs don't turn brown.

When the eggs are cooked, turn the eggs over, fold them in half, and place avocado slices beside them. Enjoy the filling and delicious tomato omelette.



标签: 高分 初一

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