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关于”答题卡扫描“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Answer Card Scan。以下是关于答题卡扫描的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Answer Card Scan

English Graduate Admission Essay Answer Sheet


1. This answer sheet is only for the English Graduate Admission Essay.

2. Please use a black pen to fill in the circles completely.

3. Please write your name and ID number in the space provided.

4. You are required to write your essay on a separate sheet of paper.

Instructions in Chinese

1. 此答题卡仅适用于英语考研作文

2. 请使用黑色笔填写圆圈填满圆圈

3. 请在提供的空格中写下您的姓名和身份证号码

4. 您需要在一张单独的纸上写作文

Name 姓名 _________________________________

ID number 身份证号码 _______________________

Section A Multiple Choice (20 points)

Choose the correct option.

1. What is the purpose of the English Graduate Admission Essay

A. To s the applicant's knowledge of English literature.

B. To determine the applicant's fluency in English.

C. To evaluate the applicant's writing skills and potential.

D. To s the applicant's academic background.

2. How many words should the essay be

A. 300-400 words

B. 500-600 words

C. 800-1000 words

D. 1200-1500 words

3. What is the recommended structure of the essay

A. Introduction body conclusion

B. Thesis statement evidence counterarguments

C. Personal experience ysis reflection

D. Comparison causes solutions

4. Which of the following is NOT a recommended way to prepare for the essay

A. Reading widely in English literature.

B. Practicing writing in English.

C. Reviewing grammar and punctuation rules.

D. Memorizing essays from previous years.

Section B Short Answer (20 points)

Answer the following questions in brief.

1. What is the most important thing to keep in mind when writing the English Graduate Admission Essay

2. What are the common mistakes students make when writing the essay

3. What should be included in the introduction of the essay

4. What should be included in the conclusion of the essay

Section C Essay (60 points)

Write an essay (800-1000 words) on ONE of the following topics

1. What is your interest in pursuing a graduate degree in English How has your previous academic and/or professional experience prepared you for this program

2. What is your favorite literary work and why What literary techniques does the author use to convey the theme of the work

3. In your opinion what is the role of literature in society How does literature contribute to our understanding of the world and ourselves

Instructions in Chinese

第A部分 多项选择 (20分)


1. 英语研究生入学论文的目的是什么

A. 评估申请人的英语文学知识

B. 确定申请人的英语流利程度

C. 评估申请人的写作技巧和潜力

D. 评估申请人的学术背景

2. 论文的字数应该是多少

A. 300-400字

B. 500-600字

C. 800-1000字

D. 1200-1500字

3. 论文的推荐结构是什么

A. 引言 主体 结论

B. 论点 证据 反驳

C. 个人经验 分析 反思

D. 比较 原因 解决方案

4. 以下哪项不是准备论文的推荐方式

A. 广泛阅读英国文学

B. 练习用英语写作

C. 复习语法和标点符号规则

D. 记忆之前年份的论文

第B部分 简答题 (20分)


1. 写英语研究生入学论文时最重要的事情是什么2. 学生写作文时常犯的错误是什么3. 论文的引言应该包括什么4. 论文的结论应该包括什么第C部分 作文 (60分)


1. 您对攻读英语研究生学位的兴趣是什么您之前的学术和/或职业经验如何为此计划做准备2. 您最喜欢的文学作品是什么为什么作者使用哪些文学技巧来传达作品的主题3. 在您看来文学在社会中的作用是什么文学如何为我们理解世界和自己做出贡献




Name (姓名)__________________________________________________

ID Number (准考证号)_________________________________________

Section I Writing (第一节写作)

DirectionsWrite an essay based on the following chart. In your writing you should

1) interpret the chart and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

(15 points)


As is shown in the chart the percentage of eating out in China has increased steadily from 1994 to 2014. In 1994 only 16.5% of the Chinese population ate out. By 2014 this number had increased to 37.2%.

Several factors contribute to this growth. Firstly the increase of people's income allows them to indulge in their desire for food outside home. Secondly the globalization has brought an increasing number of international chains to China it more convenient for people to eat out. Lastly the fast pace of life has made it difficult for people to cook at home especially for those who live alone or do not have families.

However eating out also has its drawbacks. It is generally more expensive and less healthy than home-cooked meals. Moreover the mass production and processing of food in restaurants increase the risk of food safety incidents.

In conclusion while eating out is becoming more popular in China it is important for people to consider their health and safety when choosing where and what to eat. It is also necessary for the government to strengthen food safety regulations to ensure the safety and health of the public.

Section II Translation (第二节翻译)

DirectionsTranslate the following sentences into English and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

16. 他的成功很大程度上要归功于他的勤奋和努力

17. 我们要关注的不仅是我们的经济利益还有社会责任

(10 points)


16. His success is largely attributed to his diligence and efforts.

17. What we should focus on is not only our economic interests but also our social responsibilities.

标签: 真题 考研

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