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关于”校规“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:School rules。以下是关于校规的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:School rules

School Rules


School rules are very important. They help create a safe and secure learning environment for everyone. Some of the important school rules are attendance punctuality dress code and behavior.


Attendance is very important in school. Students are expected to attend all cl and complete all assignments on time. This helps them stay on track with the school’s curriculum.


Punctuality is also important because it teaches students the value of time. Students who arrive late to class disrupt the learning of others and may miss important information.


The dress code is important because it helps create a professional environment. Students are expected to dress modestly and in a way that does not distract from the learning of others.


Behavior is also important because it helps create a safe and respectful learning environment. Students are expected to be polite and respectful to their teachers and peers. Any form of bullying or disrespect is not tolerated.


In conclusion school rules are very important as they help to create a safe and secure learning environment for all. Students should follow these rules in order to succeed in their education and grow up to be respectful and responsible adults.



School Rules

School rules are important for maintaining order and promoting a safe and healthy learning environment. Here are some examples of common school rules

1. Dress Code Students are expected to dress appropriately and wear the school uniform if required.

2. Attendance Students are required to attend school and arrive on time for class.

3. Behavior Students are expected to behave in a respectful and responsible manner towards their teachers classmates and staff.

4. Cell Phone Use Students are not allowed to use their cell phones during class or during school hours unless permitted by a teacher or staff member.

5. Academic Honesty Students must not cheat or plagiarize in their academics as this violates academic integrity.

By following these rules students can create a positive and productive school culture that prioritizes learning and personal growth.



1. 服装规定学生应穿着得体并在需要的情况下穿校服

2. 出勤规定学生必须上学准时到达教室

3. 行为规定学生应对老师、同学和职员表现出尊重和责任感

4. 手机使用学生在课堂或学校时间内不得使用手机除非得到老师或职员的允许

5. 学术诚信学生不得在学术上作弊或抄袭以保持学术诚信



School Rules

Every school has its own rules which students need to follow. These rules are put in place to ensure a safe and productive learning environment for everyone. Students must abide by these rules to maintain order in the school and prevent any disruptions from occurring.

One of the most important rules in school is punctuality. Students are expected to arrive on time for cl and any scheduled activities. This not only shows respect for the teachers and peers but also demonstrates good time management skills that will be beneficial in their future.

Another rule in school is to respect others. Students need to treat their classmates and teachers with respect and kindness. This includes refraining from bullying or any form of harassment and being helpful to others whenever possible.

In addition students are expected to follow the dress code. This means wearing appropriate attire that is not too revealing or offensive in any way. The dress code is put in place to maintain a professional and respectful atmosphere in the school.

Overall school rules are necessary to ensure a positive and productive learning experience for all students. By abiding by these rules students will develop important life skills and become responsible citizens in their communities.







标签: 专业 真题

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