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关于”写如何学好“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write how to learn。以下是关于写如何学好的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write how to learn



1. 多听多说学习语言最重要的就是要有足够的输入和输出听力和口语是学好英语的基础所以要尽可能多地听英语多说英语

2. 学习语法学好英语必须掌握一定的语法知识要认真学习语法规则掌握基本的句型和结构从而说出更准确、流利的英语

3. 多读多写阅读可以帮助我们扩大词汇量提高语感写作可以帮助我们更好地运用英语表达自己的思想所以我们在学习英语的过程中要多读多写

4. 坚持学习学习英语是一个长期的过程需要坚持不懈地学习每天都要保持一定的学习量不能急功近利要耐心地积累

5. 创造语言环境创造一个英语学习环境对于学好英语来说至关重要可以通过看英语电影、听英语歌曲、和外国人交流等方式来营造英语环境


How to Learn English Well

Learning English well is the dream of many people but how can we truly master English Here are some suggestions

1. Listen and speak more Listening and speaking are the foundations of learning a language so it's important to listen to and speak English as much as possible.

2. Learn grammar To learn English well you must understand some grammar rules grasp basic sentence patterns and structures and speak more accurately and fluently.

3. Read and write more Reading can help us expand our vocabulary and improve our language sense while writing can help us better express our thoughts in English. Therefore we should read and write more during the process of learning English.

4. Persist in learning Learning English is a long-term process that requires you to persist in studying every day accumulate knowledge and skills patiently and avoid being impatient or eager to achieve quick success.

5. Create a language environment Creating an English learning environment is crucial to learning English well. You can create an English environment by watching English movies listening to English songs communicating with foreign language learners etc.

In conclusion learning English well requires continuous efforts and time. Only by constantly learning and practicing can we truly master English and use it to communicate and express our thoughts.


I'm used to fooling people and think that a person has a deep gender identity with language. Imitation is the best teacher to learn a language. When you encounter a word, a reason, or an emotion, you are attracted by it.

Then you can write it down. Next time you encounter a similar situation, I will use it in this to improve your language skills. However, when you use the language normally Astronomers can not only fool people, but also learn the language better in life.

There is no need to deliberately, because our language learning objects are everywhere in our life. We can enrich our film and television language by adopting some classic TV and video language.




English is very important in the modern world. English is spoken all over the world, but a few students are good at it, so they want to give up English. I suggest you don't give up English, because English is used as a first or second language in many countries.

Most business letters are written in English, which is very helpful for your work. In the future, if you don't understand English, you will fall behind others in the future. How can you learn English well first? You should stick to the fact that English is sometimes very difficult for us, but if you have one Good learning methods, I think you will learn very well, English listening and speaking is almost every beginner is the most difficult, sometimes it seems impossible to learn, but I think if you practice more, you will progress, you should speak more and listen more.

You'd better speak English with your classmates as much as possible, not only in class, but also after class. I suggest you buy a radio so that you can listen to some English programs on the radio, and then you can travel around the English world. If you do this, you can easily learn English well, and you will like English very much.

I hope you can learn English step by step. There are some suggestions for learning English: keep listening to BBC news, improving listening, reading English books, especially those written by native English speakers in order to expand your vocabulary and reading ability. When you need to get rid of shyness, Try to speak in English, your spoken English will be greatly improved.

Of course, if possible, you can chat with native speakers, which is a good way to learn English, or you can chat on the Internet, because you have time to watch English movies or TV plays on the Internet is another choice for learning English.




标签: 高分 小升初

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