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关于”有几篇“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:have a few articles。以下是关于有几篇的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:have a few articles




Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should describe the drawing briefly and make comments on its social meaning and its educational significance.



As is vividly depicted in the drawing a boy is diligently writing something while his father is standing beside and watching him with a proud smile. Meanwhile another boy who looks a bit envious is peeking at them behind the curtains.

The social implication of this drawing is quite profound. It reflects a phenomenon of Chinese families that is excessive parental expectations towards children's academic achievements. Many parents believe that good grades and a prestigious degree are the only way for their children to succeed in life. Therefore they would oversee their children's study hire tutors and even force their children to study late into the night. While it is true that education is crucial for personal development and social progress it is also crucial to remember that children need time and space to grow physically and mentally. Moreover students should be encouraged to develop their interests and skills instead of being pushed into a limited and stressful academic track.

From an educational perspective this drawing also highlights the importance of parental involvement in children's education. In Chinese culture fathers are often seen as distant authority figures who only provide financial support and disciplinary measures. However in reality fathers can play a more positive and active role in their children's schooling. They can talk with their children about their learning progress give them emotional support and broaden their horizons with their life experience. By doing so fathers can create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment that promotes children's academic and personal growth.




Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

The year is 2050. In a world of artificial intelligence and automation humans live in a diverse range of environments from high-tech cities to rural communities that have been largely untouched by technological advances. What hasn't changed is the necessity of work. Some people have jobs in traditional industries while others work in the newest fields such as space tourism or virtual reality programming. Some people work for giant corporations while others are self-employed or work for small businesses. But no matter what their job title is everyone is part of a global economy where technological innovation and competition are relentless.

Despite the continued importance of work many people have found new ways to balance work with other aspects of their lives. With advanced technology and flexible work schedules some people have been able to work from anywhere in the world and spend more time with their families. Others have used automation to streamline their work and reduce stress. And some have turned to creative pursuits such as writing or painting or music that they never had time for before.

But not everyone has been able to adapt to the new world of work. Some have been displaced by automation and have struggled to find new jobs. Others have been left behind by technological progress unable to keep up with the rapid changes in the global economy. And some have simply refused to accept the new reality clinging to outdated notions of work and productivity that no longer apply.

As the economy continues to evolve and work transforms the challenges and opportunities of the new world of work will become even more complex. But with creativity adaptability and a commitment to learning people will continue to find new ways to navigate this changing landscape and build meaningful lives.








1. 短文写作


2. 大作文









小作文 简洁通知


大作文 论述一种观点


标签: 高分 考研

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