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(pressure) with fierce competition becoming more and more common in our society, now people are facing more and more work-related pressure. Those unfinished jobs have put us in a race against time. The problem is that the tasks we have to accomplish now have nothing to do with our ultimate goal, but there are still a lot of things to deal with, so when the deadline comes, Stress can affect our body and mind.

There are two things that cause stress, fatigue and time. You can imagine that when a pile of work is placed in front of your tired body, you will feel some changes in yourself, such as the increase of breathing rate. On the other hand, time is another key factor, because time is always limited and people try to do more in less time Things, driven by hope, people spend countless time on their work, but it needs to be completed forever, and then the pressure is still a part of people's life.

With the passage of time, there is little hope and pressure increases. Some measures must be taken to solve the problem. Many people fall into the pressure cycle, but they do not realize this, so the most important step is It's about being aware of potential stress and avoiding it, and then a list to organize your work in a better way so that you can maintain a balance between work and rest, in which case stress is not allowed to accumulate.




As we all know, stress is a natural part of our daily life. With the accelerating pace of modern life, we always feel busy from morning to night, and it is difficult to slow down. Therefore, pressure is closely related to life in a competitive society.

However, different people have different views on stress. Some people think that pressure is not a bad thing. They usually think that pressure is not a bad thing A certain amount of stress is essential for providing motivation and achieving life goals.

Others believe that stress can lead to a person's mental decline, thus endangering his health. Contrary to stress, physical and mental health is essential for a person. I agree with the former view.

I think it is impossible to avoid stress when a person is fully committed to the cause he pursues. Only when pressure is out of control can it lead to poor performance and poor health.




Facing the pressure ‰ good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I come from Hainan middle school today. I'm very honored to have the opportunity to share some thoughts with you at this moment with the pace of life accelerating, once you form a busy lifestyle, we will soon lose the art of relaxation. We are running from morning to night, it is difficult to slow down, but relaxation is necessary for physical and mental health It's necessary.

Stress is a natural part of everyday life and cannot be avoided. In fact, this is not a bad thing. It is generally believed that a certain amount of pressure is essential to provide motivation and give life goals.

When the pressure is out of control, it will lead to poor work performance and poor health. The pressure that a person can bear depends largely on the individual. Some people are not afraid of pressure.

Obviously, this kind of personality is the main material of management responsibility, while others are facing any problems In fact, we have made a choice between escaping or fighting, and the choice between life and death in more primitive days. The crisis we encounter today is unlikely to be so extreme, but no matter how small the pressure is, the reaction it contains and the duration of this reaction The long-term response is the same. Due to continuous exposure to stress, health can be threatened.

Serious diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease have been linked with stress, because we can't eliminate the stress in our lives. Even if we can do so, it's unwise. We need to find ways to deal with stress thank you for your attention.


面对压力‰早上好,女士们,先生们,我今天来自海南中学,我很荣幸在这一刻有机会和大家分享一些想法 随着生活节奏的不断加快,一旦你养成了匆匆忙忙忙的生活习惯,我们很快就会失去放松的艺术,从早到晚都在奔波,很难放慢脚步,但放松对身心健康是必不可少的。压力是日常生活的一个自然组成部分,无法避免。事实上,这并不是坏事,通常认为一定量的压力对提供动力和赋予生活目标是至关重要的当压力失控时,会导致工作表现不佳和健康不佳,一个人能承受的压力很大程度上取决于个人,有些人不怕压力,很明显,这种性格是管理责任的主要材料,其他人在遇到任何形式的压力时,一旦出现异常困难,就会失去信心,我们的反应既有化学反应也有生理反应事实上我们在逃跑或战斗之间做出了选择在更原始的日子里决定生死的选择我们今天遇到的危机不太可能如此极端,但不管压力有多小,它所包含的反应与这种反应持续时间长时的反应相同,由于持续暴露在压力下,健康会受到威胁,如高血压和心脏病等严重疾病已经与压力建立了联系,因为我们无法消除生活中的压力即使我们可以这样做也是不明智的,我们需要找到应对压力的方法 感谢您的关注。

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