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关于”我的决心“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My determination。以下是关于我的决心的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My determination

My new year's resolution is coming to an end, and it will come in the new year. We must have a lot of wishes, because the new year means the end of things and the beginning of another thing, so we need to make a new resolution so that the next year will be better. I'd like to share my new year's resolution with you.

First of all, I decided to try my best to learn English, because my English is so poor that it affects my other subjects. I will face many different situations, such as enlarging my vocabulary, training listening, improving my writing ability, etc. I must study hard because I don't want to be behind the times.

Secondly, I will give up watching football games because it costs two each time As a student, my homework is our responsibility, so I will put more energy on study, not play; for my future, I will work hard.


我的新年决心就要结束了,又将在新的xx年里到来,我们必须有很多的愿望,因为新年意味着事情的结束和另一件事情的开始,所以我们需要制定一个新的新年决心,以便第xx年会更好。我想和你分享我的新年决心 首先,我决定尽力学习英语因为我的英语太差了,影响了我的其他科目,会面临很多不同的情况,比如扩大词汇量,训练听力,提高写作能力等等,我必须努力学习,因为我不想落后于时代;第二,我将放弃看足球赛,因为每次都要花两个小时,这让我无法完成作为一个学生,我的家庭作业,学习是我们的责任,所以我会把更多的精力放在学习上,而不是玩上;为了我的未来,我会努力工作。


The new year is coming. As the saying goes, at the beginning of spring this year, I try my best to study the discipline of my departments and achieve better results than last year. In this way, I can repay my parents.

I want to practice piano, carry forward, have talent and integrity of youth.




A new year, a new beginning, when I stand on the edge of the new year, I can't help thinking as I did in the past. My plan for next year is well said: a good start is half of the success, so I decided that I should work when others are still relaxed, and then, at the beginning, I'm faster than others, of course, I'll get better results than others, but What I really decided to do was that I had to make use of the time I could spare. Although it seemed impossible, I would try my best to realize my plan.

The result will prove that last year's Spring Festival was special. My uncle and aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to spend Spring Festival with them.

It was the most exciting festival of all festivals. On the first day of the new year, we went to visit our relatives in the afternoon, We went shopping on the neighborhood road. My uncle bought some jays CDs.

He loved jays music. There were so many people on the road. The next day and the third day were more active than any time of the year.

We had a wonderful weekend in the countryside. The trees were much bigger than in the city. The animals were more beautiful than in the city.

We all had a good time. I had an interesting Spring Festival. How about you.


新的xx年,一个新的开始,当我站在新的xx年的边缘时,我不由得像过去一样思考我明年的计划说得好:开局不错是成功的一半,所以我决定我应该在其他人还在放松的时候工作,然后,在开始的时候,我比其他人快,当然我会比其他人取得更好的结果,但是,我真正决定做的是,我必须利用我能腾出的时间,尽管这似乎是不可能的,但我会尽我所能实现我的计划,结果将证明去年的春节是特别的我叔叔和姑姑从上海回来我的家人很高兴和他们一起过春节,这是所有节日中最激动人心的节日新年第一天,我们下午去探亲,我们去街坊路购物我叔叔买了几张Jays CD他很喜欢Jays音乐路上人太多了第二天和第三天比xx年中任何时候都活跃,我们在乡下度过了一个美好的周末那里的树比城里大得多,动物也比城里漂亮我们都玩得很开心我过了一个有趣的春节你呢。

标签: 高分 五年级

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