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关于”周末的活动5句话“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:5 Words for Weekend Activities。以下是关于周末的活动5句话的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:5 Words for Weekend Activities

1. This weekend I plan to visit my grandparents in the countryside. 这个周末我计划去农村拜访我的祖父母

2. I also want to catch up on some reading and finish a book that I've been wanting to read. 我还想多读几本书完成我一直想读的一本书

3. On Sunday I'm going to attend a yoga class with my friends. 周日我会和我的朋友一起参加瑜伽课程

4. I plan to try a new restaurant in the city with my family for Saay dinner. 我计划周六晚上和家人去城里尝试一家新餐馆

5. If the weather is good I hope to go for a hike in the nearby mountains on Saay morning. 如果天气好的话我希望周六早上去附近的山上远足

万能作文模板2:周末活动 5 字

1. Last weekend I went hiking with my friends in the nearby mountains. 上个周末我和朋友们去了附近的山区徒步旅行

2. On Sunday I visited the local museum with my family and learned about the history of our city. 周日我和家人去了当地的博物馆了解了我们城市的历史

3. I spent Saay night watching a movie at home with my roommates. 星期六晚上我和室友们在家里看了一部电影

4. My weekend was filled with sports as I played basketball with my cousins on Saay and went swimming on Sunday. 我的周末都是运动的周六我和表兄弟打了篮球周日我去游泳了

5. I volunteered at the animal shelter on Saay and helped take care of the dogs and cats. 星期六我在动物收容所做志愿者帮助照顾狗和猫


Last weekend I went to the park with my friends. 上个周末我和我的朋友们去了公园

We had a picnic and played some games. 我们野餐和玩了一些游戏

After that we went to the cinema to watch a movie. 之后我们去电影院看电影

The movie was really interesting and we had a great time. 这部电影真的很有趣我们度过了愉快的时光

Overall it was a fun and relaxing weekend. 总的来说这是一个有趣而放松的周末

标签: 满分 五年级

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