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关于”2018成考“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:2018 Chengkao。以下是关于2018成考的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:2018 Chengkao


1. 语法和词汇作文中需要正确运用各种语法结构和词汇包括简单句子、复合句、并列句、主语从句、宾语从句、定语从句等等

2. 内容和结构作文内容需要符合题目要求有一定的逻辑性和条理性同时文章也需要恰当地使用段落、标题、开头和结尾等结构

3. 表达和思维作文要求考生表达清晰、准确、得体并能够展现出一定的思维深度和广度包括思考问题的角度、思路和思考深度等

4. 文化背景成考英语作文也会考查相关的文化背景知识涉及到历史、文学、艺术、传统等方面的知识


The English composition of the adult college entrance examination mainly examines the following aspects

1. Grammar and vocabulary Correct use of various grammatical structures and vocabulary is required in the composition including simple sentences complex sentences and compound sentences subject clauses object clauses attributive clauses etc.

2. Content and structure The content of the composition needs to meet the requirements of the topic and have a certain logic and organization. At the same time the article also needs to use appropriate structures such as paragraphs titles introductions and conclusions.

3. Expression and thinking The composition requires students to express themselves clearly accurately and appropriately and to demonstrate a certain depth and breadth of thinking including the angle of thinking the train of thought and the depth of thinking.

4. Cultural background The English composition of the adult college entrance examination also examines relevant cultural background knowledge involving history literature art and tradition etc.

万能作文模板2:2018 成考





Online Shopping

Online shopping has become increasingly common in the modern society. It makes shopping more convenient and efficient. Compared with traditional ways of shopping online shopping has many advantages. Firstly it allows people to shop at home without the need to queue at shopping malls or supermarkets. Secondly online shopping can provide more choices as people can buy products from anywhere in the world. Moreover online shopping can save time and money as it is quicker and more convenient to compare the prices and quality of different products.

However online shopping also has some disadvantages. Firstly people are unable to see the real situation of the product or try it on for themselves. Secondly as online shopping requires delivery by mail or courier the waiting time can be long leading to impatience and anxiety. Additionally some merchants may exaggerate the promotion and quality of their products to stimulate sales thus misleading consumers.

In conclusion online shopping is a good way to shop and has many advantages. However we also need to be aware of the disadvantages of online shopping to avoid misleading consumers or losing money.








With the population growth ization has become a global trend. However ization has also brought many problems especially the impact on the environment and society.

Firstly ization has adverse effects on the environment. Urbanization leads to an increase in the opportunity cost of land use as land is often used for housing and commercial construction. A large amount of transportation and industrial activities also lead to air and water pollution. In addition waste disposal drainage and sewage treatment also have a negative impact on the environment.

Secondly ization has a great impact on society. Urbanization leads to social anonymity it more difficult for people to establish a sense of community and group feeling. Urbanization also leads to polarization of wealth and population mobility which affects people's social status and family stability.

To address these issues the government and society should take some measures. The government can mitigate the impact of ization on the environment by improving planning and strengthening environmental protection. The government can also introduce policies for housing and employment to promote social equality and stability. Society can also strengthen cultural construction encourage people to partite in community activities and volunteer services and build a sense of community and group feeling.

In conclusion ization is a global trend but it also brings many problems. The government and society should work closely together to solve these problems protect the environment and maintain social stability.

标签: 范文 万能 专升本

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