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关于”幽默的好处“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The Benefits of Humor。以下是关于幽默的好处的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The Benefits of Humor

一则幽默故事The Smartest Dog

Tom had a dog named Max. Max was a very smart dog. Tom decided to test Max's intelligence one day.

He took Max for a walk and then left him at a corner. Tom told Max to wait for him and then he went home. Tom watched Max from his window. Max waited patiently for Tom for about 15 minutes. Suddenly Max looked at the traffic light looked back at Tom's house and then started running towards Tom's house. Tom was amazed by Max's intelligence.

When Max arrived at Tom's house he barked loudly. Tom opened the door and Max ran in. Max then ran straight to the refrigerator and looked up at Tom. Tom realized that Max was hungry and he gave Max some food.

Tom was so impressed by Max's intelligence that he decided to take Max on more challenging tasks in the future.







My Funny Story 我的有趣故事

Last weekend I went on a hike with some friends. We were enjoying the beautiful scenery and taking lots of photos when suddenly a small bird swooped down and landed on my head My friends burst out laughing and I couldn't help but join in. The bird stayed there for a few seconds before flying away. It was such a funny and unexpected moment that we all still laugh about it.



Humor is an essential part of our lives. It is the ability to find amut laughter and pleasure in everyday situations. The benefits of humor are numerous and varied.

Firstly humor can reduce stress levels. When we laugh our body releases endorphins which are natural stress fighters. This means that humor can help us cope with difficult situations and make them seem less overwhelming.

Secondly humor can improve our overall mood. Laughter is contagious and can create a positive atmosphere. It can also help us feel more optimistic and hopeful about the future.

Thirdly humor can improve our relationships. It is a great way to bond with others and can help us communicate more effectively. By using humor appropriately we can diffuse tense situations and create a more harmonious environment.

Lastly humor can be good for our health. It boosts our immune system reduces blood pressure and can even help us live longer.

In conclusion humor is an important aspect of our lives that can bring numerous benefits. So next time you feel stressed try to find the humor in the situation and laugh your way to a happier healthier life.







标签: 万能 九年级

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