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关于”写暑假生活5句“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Write 5 sentences about summer vacation life。以下是关于写暑假生活5句的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write 5 sentences about summer vacation life

1. This summer holiday I am planning to visit my grandparents in the countryside.(这个暑假我计划去农村看望我的祖父母)

2. I am also going to attend a summer camp with my friends where we can do a lot of outdoor activities.(我还打算和我的朋友们一起参加夏令营我们可以做很多户外活动)

3. For my summer reading I have chosen a few interesting novels and biographies.(我的暑期阅读我选了几本有趣的小说和传记)

4. I am also planning to learn a new skill or hobby such as playing a musical instrument or painting.(我还计划学习一项新技能或爱好比如弹奏乐器或画画)

5. This summer I hope to relax have fun and make some unforgettable memories.(这个暑假我希望放松、玩乐并留下一些难忘的回忆)

万能作文模板2:写关于暑假生活的 5 句话

1. During the summer vacation I went to the beach with my family. (在暑假里我和我的家人一起去了海滩)

2. I spent a lot of time reading books and practicing my English. (我花了很多时间读书和练习我的英语)

3. We also visited some historical sites and learned about the local culture. (我们还参观了一些历史古迹学习了当地的文化)

4. I went swimming every day and improved my swimming skills. (我每天都去游泳提高了我的游泳技巧)

5. Overall it was a fun and memorable summer vacation. (总的来说这是一个有趣和难忘的暑假)


Last summer vacation I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. (去年暑假我去乡下拜访了我的祖父母)

We spent most of our time picking fresh fruits and vegetables from their garden. (我们大部分时间都在他们的花园里摘新鲜的水果和蔬菜)

One day we went on a hike in the nearby mountains and saw some beautiful scenery. (有一天我们去了附近的山上徒步旅行看到了一些美丽的风景)

I also spent some time reading my favorite books and practicing my guitar. (我还花了一些时间阅读我的最喜欢的书籍和练习吉他)

Overall it was a very relaxing and enjoyable summer. (总体来说那是一个非常轻松愉快的暑假)

标签: 中考 真题

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