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关于”我的学校日历“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My School Calendar。以下是关于我的学校日历的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My School Calendar

My school I have a beautiful school, there is a big playground, we have sports, our school building has four floors, our claoom on the third floor, the first floor is big and clean, there is a library, there are many books, but I don't often read in the teaching building, go to some music and art claoom. The teachers are very good and the students are very smart. I know that everyone is very happy at the ceremony.

I like my school life.




My School Calendar

My school calendar is full of exciting events and important dates. Here are the events that I look forward to the most


- First day of school September 1st

- Back to School Night September 15th

- School picture day September 23rd


- Fall break October 4th-8th

- Parent-teacher conferences October 13th-15th

- Halloween parade October 29th


- Veteran's Day holiday November 11th

- Thanksgiving break November 24th-26th


- Winter break December 20th-January 3rd


- School resumes January 4th

- Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday January 17th

- End of first semester January 21st


- President's Day holiday February 21st


- Spring break March 14th-18th

- Parent-teacher conferences March 23rd-25th


- Good Friday holiday April 15th

- Earth Day April 22nd

- Spring musical April 28th-30th


- Memorial Day holiday May 30th

- Field Day May 31st

- Last day of school June 3rd

Overall my school calendar is full of fun and important events that make my school experience memorable.




- 开学日xx月xx日

- 返校之夜xx月xx日

- 学校照相日xx月xx日


- 秋季休息xx月xx日至xx日

- 家长教师会议xx月xx日至xx日

- 万圣节xx月xx日


- 全国退伍节xx月xx日

- 感恩节休息xx月xx日至xx日


- 冬季休息xx月至xx月xx日


- 学校恢复xx月xx日

- 马丁·路德·金纪念日节假日xx月xx日

- 第一学期结束xx月xx日


- 总统日节假日xx月xx日


- 春季休息xx月xx日至xx日

- 家长教师会议xx月xx日至xx日


- 受难日节假日xx月xx日

- 地球日xx月xx日

- 春季音乐会xx月xx日至xx日


- 国殇日节假日xx月xx日

- 运动会xx月xx日

- 学校最后一天xx月xx日



Good learning attitude and satisfactory academic achievements indicate a good beginning of the new semester. I will study hard, correct my learning attitude, make clear my learning objectives, and formulate a reasonable and strict learning plan. I will try my best to do the following in school and at home, The whole class should listen carefully, raise their hands to speak actively, do some tricks, and ask teachers and students for advice in time.

For the second, when the church is solving problems in the church, when they go home, the teacher should carefully arrange and complete the homework, so as to prepare the homework and review for the exam. When you don't know where to mark, you should pay special attention to what you have learned next week in the claoom This week, I summarize and review the fourth section, and make different plans according to the characteristics of different disciplines. I have a good command of the knowledge of Chinese textbooks.

I am familiar with the text twice a day to improve my ability to yze and solve problems. I do five Olympiad math problems every day to improve my English listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. I listen to English tapes for half an hour every day and copy the copy page, so that my hands can be out of class Cui writes two diaries every week to record the real events and opinions around him and accumulate some good words.

In this way, he can improve his writing ability, recite three poems a week and read more good books. These are my study plans. I will implement them strictly according to my study plan.

I think we can achieve better results through my efforts Please supervise my actions together with my teachers, students and parents.


良好的学习态度和令人满意的学习成绩预示着新学期的良好开端,我要努力学习,端正学习态度,明确学习目标,制定合理、严格要求自己的学习计划,在学校和家里我都会尽力做到的以下:第一, 全班认真听讲,积极举手发言,做些小把戏不懂的东西及时向师生请教,对于当教堂在教堂解决问题的第二、回家时,老师应认真安排完成作业,这样写得工整,做好作业预习和复习备考厨师当你不知道该在哪里做记号的时候,在教室里要特别注意下周已经学过的本周总结复习第四节,根据不同学科的特点制定不同的计划,很好地掌握语文课本知识,每天两次熟悉课文,提高自己分析问题和解决问题的能力,每天做五道奥数题,提高自己的英语听、读、说、写能力,每天听英语磁带半小时描摹抄本页,使我的手好字出类拔萃每周写两篇日记,记录身边的真实事件和自己的观点,把自己的一些好话积累下来,这样才能提高自己的写作能力,每周背诵三首诗,多读一些好书,这些都是我的学习计划,我会严格按照我的学习计划来实施的,我认为通过我的努力,我们可以取得更好的成绩,请老师、学生和家长共同监督我的行动。

标签: 真题 五年级

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