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关于”小跑题“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Small digression。以下是关于小跑题的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Small digression

I cannot teach you how to intentionally write off-topic essays. However

Off-topic Essay

When it comes to my pet I love her so much because she brings so much joy to my life. She is a golden retriever and has a beautiful coat of fur that shines in the sunlight. I take her on walks every day and we play fetch together which is one of her favorite games. She also loves to cuddle and sleep with me and I feel so lucky to have her as my companion.




This essay is about the writer's pet a golden retriever and how much they love her. However it does not address the topic of the essay prompt which may be something like "How technology has affected communication between people." Therefore this essay is considered off-topic.


Finally, there is a serious flaw in the conclusion of this argument. The author said that doctors should not recommend moderate exercise to patients. On the contrary, they said that they should only encourage vigorous outdoor exercise every day.

This conclusion is absolutely not supported by evidence. Indeed, moderate exercise was not even mentioned. Until the end of the editorial, the argument did not take into account that this study was only for men, No It's a woman or a child and a doctor's patient.

In addition, for some men, women or children, daily strenuous outdoor exercise may actually be harmful to their health, such as those at risk of heart attack or living in harsh weather conditions.




Dear Teacher

I am writing to apologize for not submitting my homework on time. I was supposed to turn it in on Friday but I forgot. I know that this is not acceptable behavior and I take full responsibility for my actions.

I understand that homework is an important part of the learning process and it is my responsibility as a student to complete it on time. I promise to be more diligent in the future and to always submit my assignments on time.

Once again I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused and I appreciate your understanding in this matter.


[Your Name]








标签: 万能 考研

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