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关于”家庭传统“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:family tradition。以下是关于家庭传统的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:family tradition

Growing up in a non-traditional family has its own unique challenges and rewards. For me it meant being raised by my grandparents instead of my parents. While many of my peers had parents who were actively involved in their lives I had my grandparents. They were my primary caregivers and provided me with a stable and nurturing home environment.

One of the challenges of my non-traditional family was the lack of parental guidance. My grandparents did their best to provide for me but they didn't always understand the pressures and challenges that I faced as a ager. It was difficult not having a parent to turn to when I needed advice or guidance.

However there were also many rewards to growing up in a non-traditional family. My relationship with my grandparents was incredibly close and I always felt loved and supported. I learned important life skills from them such as cooking budgeting and the value of hard work.

In addition growing up in a non-traditional family taught me to be independent and self-sufficient. I learned to take care of myself and rely on my own resources which has been invaluable in adulthood.

Overall while growing up in a non-traditional family presented its own unique set of challenges it also provided me with important life lessons and a strong sense of family. I am grateful for the love and support of my grandparents and the foundation they provided me for success in life.







Family traditions are an important part of our lives. They help to create a sense of belonging history and continuity in our families. In my family we have several traditions that we cherish and pass down from generation to generation.

One of the most significant traditions in my family is our annual family reunion. Every year on the Fourth of July we all gather at my grandparents' house for a full day of food games and catching up with one another. It's a time for cousins to reconnect parents to reminisce and children to play together. Each year we take a family photo to commemorate the occasion and add it to our collection of memories.

Another tradition that we hold dear is the passing down of recipes. My great-grandmother was an amazing cook and we have been fortunate to inherit her recipes. From her famous apple pie to her delicious pot roast these recipes have been passed down from generation to generation. Whenever we make one of her recipes we feel a connection to our family's past and a sense of pride in carrying on her legacy.

Finally we have a tradition of giving back to our community. My family believes in the importance of helping others and we try to volunteer our time and resources whenever we can. We have volunteered at local food banks community clean-up events and fundraisers for charities that are important to us. It's a tradition that has taught us the value of compassion and empathy.

In conclusion family traditions are a vital part of our lives. They provide a sense of togetherness and help to keep our family history alive. Whether it's a yearly reunion passing down recipes or giving back to our community these traditions have helped to shape who we are as a family.







Argentina is famous for its excellent meat, which is the result of the country's first-class beef industry. Typical lunches and dinners usually include pizza, pasta and North American meat dishes. European and Middle Eastern dishes are generally available.

Those who like exotic dishes will be happy to find that Argentina offers exquisite local dishes, such as meat pies, which are meat Pastry covered with surimi and other materials, while the rocloa pork and corn stew in Argentina is known as "asado". Restaurants specializing in barbecue and barbecue dishes are mainly beef, as well as pork, mutton, chicken and beef. The grade is particularly high, which produces high-quality dishes.

The variety of meats and cooking methods are spectacular, and the price of such a meal, coupled with one of the many fine local wines, makes it a cheap sandwich MIGA is a very delicious sandwich, made of very thin white bread, filled with ham slices and cheese sauce. It's like a doughnut. You can add Dulce drencher or chocolate.

It's a typical drink. Argentina's whisky and cotton ginning mills are excellent. The wine is of high quality and low price.

Its quality is recognized all over the world "Balls" and "Ca ó a" are national specialties. "Mate" is the most famous and unique Argentine beverage.


阿根廷以其优良的肉类而闻名于世,这是该国发展出一流的养牛业的结果典型的餐食午餐和晚餐通常包括披萨、意大利面和北美肉类菜肴,欧式和中东菜一般都有,那些喜欢异国风味菜肴的人会很高兴地发现,阿根廷提供精致的地方菜肴,如意式肉馅馅饼,这是肉糜和其他材料覆盖的酥皮糕点,而洛克罗a猪肉和玉米炖菜阿根廷以“阿萨多”而闻名,专门经营烤肉和烤肉菜肴的餐馆,主要是牛肉,还有猪肉、羊肉和鸡肉牛肉,等级特别高,这就产生了高品质的菜肴。各种各样的肉块和烹调方法都非常壮观,这样一顿饭的价格加上当地许多上等的葡萄酒之一,使它成为一种便宜的三明治de miga是一种非常美味的三明治,由非常薄的白面包制成,里面塞满了火腿片和奶酪酱,有点像甜甜圈,可以加杜尔塞·德莱切或巧克力,绝对值得一尝典型的饮料阿根廷的威士忌和轧棉厂非常出色,葡萄酒质优价廉,其质量在全世界都得到认可“ginebra bols”和“caña”都是国家特产“mate”是最著名和最独特的阿根廷饮料。

标签: 高分 专升本

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