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Dolphins mainly live in warm tropical waters, but some prefer cold water, usually in shallow water or at least near seals. Like other toothed whales, dolphins mainly feed on fish and squid. Dolphins hunt by echolocation.

Even if their front dolphins are knocked out by high-intensity sound, they will not dive as deep as other whales. On the contrary, they like to swim fast and have the characteristics of juggling. Dolphin swimming is a unique way for dolphins to swim.

One way to distinguish dolphins from other cetaceans is to jump out of the water at a small angle, and then enter the water angle at a smaller angle.




Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and finless porpoises. There are 17 genera and nearly 40 species of dolphins. Their sizes range from m ft to kg lb (M ft) in Maui Island and tons of LT St.

they are found all over the world. Most of them live in shallow waters of the continental shelf and are carnivores, mainly feeding on fish and squid. The dolphin family is the largest family of cetaceans and is relatively recent: Dolphins evolved about 10 million years ago.

In the Miocene, dolphins were considered one of the most intelligent animals. Their usually friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude made them popular in human culture.


海豚是与鲸鱼和江豚有密切关系的海洋哺乳动物有17个属近40种海豚,它们的大小从米英尺(m ft)到kg lb)(毛伊岛海豚(m ft)和吨LT ST)(它们在世界各地都有发现,它们大多生活在架较浅的海域,是食肉动物,主要以鱼和鱿鱼为食。海豚科是鲸目动物中最大的一科,而且相对较近:海豚大约在一千万年前进化而来,在中新世,海豚被认为是最聪明的动物之一,它们通常友好的外表和看似顽皮的态度使它们在人类文化中很受欢迎。


Dolphins are not fish, but warm blooded animals. They live in groups and communicate with each other in their own language, just like other animals, such as bees and birds. But dolphins are very different from almost all land animals.

Their brains are almost the same size as human brains. They have lived like other animals for 20 or 30 years. Dolphins use sound to help them find their own way.

They also They talk to each other and help them find food. We now know that they don't hear them with their ears, but with the lower part of their mouths. Scientists have recently discovered a surprising new discovery about dolphins.

They believe that dolphins do "talk to each other" and blow "names" to each other. When they're in trouble, they help each other, just like bats, they use sound waves to "see," because these and many other discoveries many scientists now list dolphins as one of the smartest animals on earth. Dolphins like to imitate them.

If we swim on our backs, they swim with them once. When the trainer blows a cigarette at the window of the observation pool, a A young dolphin suddenly swam to his mother and spat out a ball of milk on the glass. Surprisingly, the dolphins could understand sign language.

A Herman dolphin mastered not only sign language, but also "speak" gestures. When they give birth, dolphins help each other, when swimming mothers look for food, females gather to avoid sharks, young dolphins swim in a circle, they reach out to us in amazing ways, what would the world be like without them (about language).



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