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Don't believe that victory is everything. If you don't stick to something, what you'll win (Ryan Cochrane) brilliant genius disdains walking in an area he's looking for that hasn't been explored yet (Lincoln) life can only be understood backward, but it has to go forward, skill cogarde although there is a field that has not been conquered by intelligence or will, people can think and act freely. Life is worth living (Austin) life is created by you, 90% is how you think about it.

In Berlin) the greatest use of life is to spend it to do something beyond it. no one in this world can lighten the burden of others (Dickens) life is measured by thought and action. The value of life is not in the length of time, but in the use we make of them (Montaigne) ‰ ideas are like stars that we can never reach, but like mariners, we use them to guide our way (C Schultz) I tell you that hopeless grief has no passion (E.B.

Browning) people who have never had hope will never despair (Bernard Shaw) don't try to be a successful person, but try to be a valuable person (Einstein);; our greatest glory is not that we never fall, but that we can stand up every time we fall (oh, Goldsmith). Industry is not enough, ants are industrious. Why are you industrious (Tau) you have to believe in yourself.

This is the secret of success (Charles Chaplin) a wise man who has his own will not lose anything (Nietzsche) Nothing you want is an indispensable part of happiness (Russell).


不要相信胜利真的就是一切。如果你不坚持什么,你会赢得什么(莱恩·柯克兰) 卓越的天才不屑于走一条他所寻找的迄今尚未探索的地区(林肯) 生命只能被向后理解,但必须向前走斯基尔·科加德) 虽然存在一块智力或意志尚未征服的领域,人们可以自由思考和行动,生活是值得生活的(奥斯汀) 生活是由你创造的,百分之九十是你如何看待它在柏林) 生命的最大用途是花它去做一些超越它的东西。 在这个世界上,没有一个人可以减轻别人的负担(狄更斯) 生活是由思想和行动来衡量的,生命的价值不在于时间的长短,而在于我们对它们的利用(蒙田)‰思想就像我们永远无法到达的星星,而是像水手,我们用他们来指引我们的道路(C舒尔茨) 我告诉你无望的悲伤是没有的(E B勃朗宁) 从来没有希望的人永远不会绝望(伯纳德·肖) 不要试图成为一个成功的人,而要努力成为一个有价值的人(爱因斯坦); 我们最大的荣耀不在于从不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒时都能站起来(哦,金匠)勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的你为什么勤劳(梭罗) 你必须相信自己这是成功的秘诀(查尔斯·卓别林) 一个聪明的人如果有自己就不会失去任何东西(尼采) 没有一些你想要的东西是幸福不可缺少的一部分(罗素)。


Nightlife has become an essential part of modern society. People can enjoy various entertainment options after work or school such as going to bars clubs concerts or watching movies.


Nightlife is not just about partying and having fun. It can also create a sense of community and provide a social outlet for those who feel isolated or lonely. Moreover the development of the tourism industry has boosted the growth of nightlife as travelers seek opportunities to explore new cultures and experiences.


However there are also concerns about the negative aspects of nightlife such as excessive drinking drug abuse and violence. These issues can create a dangerous and unhealthy environment especially for young people. It is important for individuals to be responsible and make safe choices when partiting in nightlife activities.


In conclusion nightlife can have both positive and negative effects on society. While it provides entertainment and social opportunities it is important to address the potential risks and make safe choices.



I will never forget that when I pressed the phone on, I was entering a hotline to inquire about my junior high school final exam scores. I remember a hopeful but anxious feeling in my stomach that was the great moment of death or healing. When I heard a voice saying, "congratulations on your first place in the exam," I cheered up you make "I just gave myself a big smile.

Success really inspired me a lot. No doubt, for young people, the Internet is an important learning tool. There is nothing like its convenient operation, high-speed and diversified information resources.

As long as you click on what you need, in such a short time, in addition to output information, you will get a lot of information, At the same time, you can also input your own works and send them to the Internet, so that you have more opportunities to share the great spiritual excitement with those who have common goals. Young people like to spend long and friendless nights in front of computers, which seems to be their only way of entertainment: from chatting to online love, from online games to cyber crime, maybe they attract them Leading the trend of network culture, they are the disseminators of network culture. However, sometimes they think of the Internet as a place full of mystery.

They often don't understand how the network works, but one thing is certain. When it comes to the Internet, they always talk happily about how their grandchildren operate computers and surf the Internet skillfully, or he They never forget to enumerate the privileges of modern science one by one and conclude that the rapid development of science and technology will inevitably be affected by the rapid development of science and technology.


我永远不会忘记,当我按下电话按钮的那一刻,我正在进入一个查询我的初中期末考试的成绩,我记得在我的胃里有一种充满希望但又焦虑的感觉,那就是死亡或治愈的重大时刻,当我听到一个声音说“恭喜你考得头名”时,我欢呼起来upYou make it“我只是对自己笑了一个大大的微笑成功真的鼓舞了我很多毫无疑问,对于年轻人来说,互联网是一个重要的学习工具没有什么比得上它的便捷操作、高速和多样化的信息资源只要你点击你需要的东西,在这么短的时间内,除了输出信息,你会得到大量的信息,同时,你也可以输入自己的作品,并将它们发送到互联网上,这样你就有更多的机会与那些有共同目标的人分享巨大的精神兴奋,年轻人喜欢在电脑前度过漫长而无友的夜晚,这似乎是他们唯一的娱乐方式:从聊天到网上恋爱,从网络游戏到网络犯罪,也许他们引领了网络文化潮流,他们是网络文化的传播者,然而,有时他们会把互联网想象成一个充满神秘感的地方他们常常不明白网络是如何运作的,但是有一件事是肯定的,一提到互联网,他们总是兴高采烈地谈论着他们的孙子们如何熟练地操作电脑和上网冲浪,或是他们独自一人进行的奇妙的互联网旅行,他们从不忘了逐一列举现代科学的特权,并得出结论说科学技术的飞速发展,无人能避免地受到影响。

标签: 万能 初中

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