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关于”常考“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Often test。以下是关于常考的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Often test

1. 假期计划/Summer Holiday Plan




Summer vacation is a time for rest and relaxation but it is also an opportunity to improve oneself. What am I going to do this summer First of all I will spend a few days traveling exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. Secondly I will continue to learn attend some summer cl or self-learn some new knowledge and skills. I also want to do more exercise especially outdoor sports to enjoy the beauty of nature. Finally I will also make time to be with friends and family to strengthen our relationships.

2. 是否应该使用手机/Should We Use Mobile Phones




With the development of technology mobile phones have become an essential tool in our daily life. However some people believe that excessive use of mobile phones can affect our health and communication skills. So should we use mobile phones I think we need to find a balance. Using mobile phones can facilitate our life and learning but at the same time we also need to be careful not to rely too much on them and communicate with the people around us appropriately. In public places we should try to make fewer calls and send fewer texts to avoid disturbing others. In short we need to use mobile phones wisely make them assistants in our lives rather than being controlled by them.

3. 网络安全/Internet Safety




With the popularity of the Internet internet safety has become more and more important to people. On the Internet we can access various information but at the same time there are also various risks such as online scams malicious software etc. So how can we ensure internet safety First of all we need to protect personal information and not randomly disclose sensitive information such as our name phone number and address. Secondly we need to install security tools such as anti-virus software and firewalls to avoid being attacked. Finally we also need to enhance our security awareness learn to distinguish true and false information and strictly keep secrets. Only in this way can we safely learn and live on the Internet.


1. My favorite season


My favorite season is spring. In spring the weather is pleasant and everything comes to life. The trees turn green flowers bloom and the air is filled with the sweet fragrance of nature. It is a great time to go out and enjoy the beauty of nature.


2. My best friend


My best friend is a girl named Lily. She is very kind and always there for me when I need her. We like to do everything together from studying to playing games. She has a great sense of humor and we always have a good laugh together. I feel lucky to have her as my best friend.


3. My dream job


My dream job is to become a teacher. I think being a teacher is one of the most rewarding careers because you have the opportunity to shape young minds and make a difference in their lives. I want to help my students become confident and successful individuals.


4. My favorite hobby


My favorite hobby is reading books. I love the feeling of getting lost in a good book and learning something new. I like to read all kinds of books from fiction to non-fiction and from classic literature to modern novels. Reading helps me relax and expand my knowledge.


5. My favorite animal


My favorite animal is the panda. I think pandas are very cute and cuddly. They have a unique black and white fur pattern that makes them stand out from other animals. Pandas also eat bamboo which is an interesting fact about them. I would love to see pandas in their natural habitat someday.



1. 说明文(expository essay)对某个事物或概念进行解释或阐述的文章

2. 议论文(argumentative essay)通过提供证据和逻辑推理来支持或反驳某个观点或主张

3. 叙述文(narrative essay)通过讲述一个真实或虚构的故事来表达某种主题或道理

4. 描述文(descriptive essay)对某个人、地点、物品或事件进行详细的描写和说明让读者感受到所描述事物的特点和特征

5. 读书报告(book report)对读过的书籍进行分析和评价包括内容、结构、主题、人物等方面

6. 信件(letter)用于私人或商业通信发表个人观点和感受表达感激、祝福、道歉等情感

7. 意见反馈(feedback)对某个产品、服务或经历进行评价和建议帮助其他人做出更好的选择

8. 招聘信(job application)用于向招聘公司或机构申请工作介绍个人情况、经历和能力表达求职愿望

9. 推荐信(recommendation)为某个人或机构提供推荐介绍被推荐人的优点、才能和业绩支持其申请职位或学业

10. 人物传记(biography)描述某个历史人物或名人的生平、经历、成就和影响帮助读者了解其个人品质和历史价值

标签: 万能 高考

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