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关于”一会考图表吗“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Will you take an examination of the chart later。以下是关于一会考图表吗的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Will you take an examination of the chart later?


题目The chart below shows the percentage of people using different modes of transportation in a city in 2019. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.


[transportation chart](https//img-blog.csdn.net/2018062615282019watermark/2/text/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3ZpZGVvX2xhcmdl/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/q/85)


The above chart compares the percentage of city inhabitants using various means of transportation in 2019. The statistics reveal that the majority of residents in the city rely on cars or buses with 30% and 28% of people using those modes of transportation respectively. In contrast walking is the least preferred mode of transportation with only 10% of people choosing to walk.

Cycling and motorcycles are both more popular than walking with 18% and 14% of people using them respectively. Interestingly the percentage of people using bicycles is almost twice as high as the percentage of people using motorcycles.

Overall the data indicates that cars and buses remain the most common modes of transportation in the city while walking is the least popular option. The high percentage of people using bicycles and motorcycles suggests that these modes of transportation may be gaining popularity as a result of increased environmental awareness and improved infrastructure.





万能作文模板2:你以后会检查这张图表吗 ?


Possible example


The Changes in Population in a Certain Region in a Certain Year

注意1. 词数120-150词左右

2. 作文中不得出现考生的姓名、学校以及其他涉及个人身份的信息否则按作弊论处



The Changes in Population in a Certain Region in a Certain Year

注意1. Word limit about 120-150 words

2. The composition should not contain the examinee's name school and other personal information otherwise it will be regarded as cheating.


The Changes in Population in a Certain Region in a Certain Year

The table shows the changes in population in a certain region in a certain year. As we can see the population of the region increased from 800000 in January to 900000 in December with a steady growth rate throughout the year. The natural growth rate which is the difference between the birth rate and the death rate was positive in every month indicating a healthy demographic situation. The net migration which is the difference between the number of people moving in and out was negative in the first half of the year and positive in the second half resulting in a net gain of 10000 people for the whole year.

The reasons for the population changes could be various such as economic development social policies natural disasters or environmental factors. However without more detailed information it is hard to draw any definitive conclusions. Nonetheless we can infer that the region is attracting more people than losing them and that the local authorities need to plan for the long-term sustainability of the population growth. This may involve improving the quality of life providing more job opportunities protecting the environment and enhancing the public services. In short the population changes reflect not only the quantitative but also the qualitative aspects of the region's development.









The Aging Population Problem


According to statistics with the improvement of medical and living standards the number of elderly people in the world is increasing. In the next few decades the proportion of elderly population will increase sharply which will bring many challenges to society economy and families.



The following chart shows the age structure of China's population aged 15 and over in 2018


As can be seen from the above chart the proportion of elderly population in China is rising while the proportion of young population is declining. This means that China is facing the problem of aging population and needs to take measures to cope.


The problem of aging population brings many challenges to society economy and families as shown in the table below


To address these challenges the government and society should take measures as shown in the table below


In conclusion the problem of aging population is a global issue that requires joint efforts from governments society and families. Only by taking measures can we ensure that the elderly population enjoys a healthy and happy life.

标签: 真题 考研

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