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关于”中国科学家“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:chinese scientists。以下是关于中国科学家的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:chinese scientists

Newton (one day, Newton was walking in a garden thinking, he saw an apple fall from a tree to the ground. He thought that the force of gravity was not limited to a certain distance from the earth. This force must be much her than people thought at that time.

Perhaps it could keep the moon in orbit. Curie was born in Poland at the end of the S. during her growth, the country was raed by war.

Her family called him him.




Scientists are people who are devoted to the study of scientific subjects. They use various methods to explore and understand the natural world. Scientists conduct experiments yze data and make observations to draw conclusions about how things work.


There are many different types of scientists each with their own area of expertise. Some scientists study the human body and how it functions while others study the environment and the impact of human activity on it. Some scientists work to develop new technologies while others study the origins of the universe.


Scientists play a crucial role in advancing our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Through their research they are able to develop new technologies and improve our lives. They also help to solve some of the world's most pressing problems such as climate change and disease.



Isaac Newton was born in December (the Julian calendar was used at that time, or the Gregorian calendar is now January). He was born in wolsterhope near Grantham, Lincolnshire, England. He was born in the same year that Galileo died.

Newton was obviously the most influential scientist. He made achievements in mathematics and optics. Physics laid the foundation for modern science and made the world There was a revolutionary change.

Newton was educated at Trinity College in Cambridge. From to, he studied mathematics at Trinity College of Cambridge University. During this period, he was appointed master of the Royal Mint and moved to London, where he lived as a mathematician until his death.

Newton invented integral calculus and, together with Leibniz, differential calculus, he also worked out a formula for calculating the speed of sound in gas, which was later modified by Laplace. Newton had a great influence on theoretical astronomy. He defined the laws of motion and the laws of gravitation.

He used these laws to accurately predict the motion of objects, stars and planets around the sun. Using his discoveries in optics, he built the first reflective telescope. Newton discovered that science is a hodgepodge of isolated facts and laws that can describe some phenomena and predict only a few.

What he left behind is a unity Newton published his works in two books, Opticks and Principia. Newton died in London in March and was buried in Westminster Abbey, the first scientist to receive the award. Looking back at an encyclopedia of science, it can be found at least in the th century that a poem about Sir Isaac Newton mentioned Newton twice or three times as many times as any other scientist: nature and the laws of nature are hidden in the dark: God said, let Newton go, everything is light Alexander Pope.




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