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关于”第一印象“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:First impression。以下是关于第一印象的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:First impression

The United States is big. Let me tell you about the United States. The United States is the capital of the United States in an English speaking country.

Washington is the capital of the United States. The United States has the star spangled flag in the south of Canada and in the west of China. It is red, white and blue.

I know two places of interest in the United States. I know the White House and the statue of liberty. I hope I can visit the United States one day.




My First Impression of High School


When I first stepped onto the high school campus I was struck by its sheer size and the bustling energy of the students. The buildings were massive and imposing with a labyrinth of hallways that seemed to stretch on endlessly. The students were rushing to and fro carrying heavy backpacks and chatting animatedly with one another.


As I walked further into the school I noticed how different the atmosphere was from middle school. The students seemed more mature focused and determined. They moved with purpose and confidence as if they were driven by some inner motivation to excel.


I also noticed how diverse the student body was. There were students from all walks of life with different backgrounds and interests. It was a melting pot of cultures and ideas and I felt excited to be a part of it.


Overall my first impression of high school was one of awe and excitement. I knew that it would be a challenging and rewarding experience and I was eager to see where it would take me.



A young lawyer started his private business. He was very eager to impress potential clients. When he saw the first person coming to his office coming through the door, he immediately picked up the phone and said, "I'm sorry, but I have so many cases that I can't investigate your problems for at least a month.

I have to call you back," and then he turned The man who just came in said, "now, what can I do for you?" "nothing," the man replied, "I'm here to answer your call.".



标签: 万能 高中

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