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关于”我最爱的水果“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My favorite fruit。以下是关于我最爱的水果的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My favorite fruit

In this year's fruit, I first voted for oranges - if not, at least in the green food store, dessert is the name of a handful of chocolate and a little pickled ginger, while Apple is the name of raisins and two plums, then oranges, but when delicious beef and fruit are on the table, milk and milk are delicious, No It needs more orderly existence than oranges. The most common fruit should also be the best. The advantages of oranges I don't have enough space to say that it has healthy characteristics, because it cures the flu, establishes skin color, it is clean, because who handles it on the way to your table, but deals with its outer layer, its coat, stays in the hall, it's round, it forms one with young people A good substitute, a little football, which can be swung at your enemies.

For an old gentleman, a small peel can slip, but if it's not an orange, it's nothing. I dare not let myself talk about it. I am the slave of its sweetness.

But year after year, we live for the orange, and it defends it. In fact, there's an honesty about oranges, if they're bad, then they appeal to all of us - because the best of us are sometimes bad - it starts to get bad from the outside, not from the inside, how many pears are blooming to the world, how many innocent apples are rotten at the core, a kind of insect in bud But there is no secret flaw in orange. Its appearance is a mirror inside it.

If you move fast, you can tell the clerk before putting it into the bag.





But it's made up of almost all the fruit I like most, because it's sweet. I don't usually ask my parents to buy antisense fruit, but any fruit is too dry for me. It's watermelon season.

When I find them at home, I will cut the watermelon in half, take a s and half of the watermelon, embrace it like a big Chinese bowl, and then I dig and eat fruit like fruit: pears, apples, gs and bananas, but my favorite fruit is apple, which looks like a red face and is more delicious than other fruits. It contains vitamins A, B, C, D, e and many things that are good for our health. Our body needs apples every day because: an apple a day.

What's your favorite fruit.





My Favorite Fruit

My favorite fruit is the strawberry. It is a small sweet and juicy fruit that is often consumed in the summertime. Strawberries are not only delicious but also have many health benefits. They are a good source of vitamin C fiber and antioxidants.

When I eat strawberries I like to wash them thoroughly and eat them whole without cutting them into smaller pieces. I love the burst of flavor that comes with each bite. Sometimes I also like to dip them in whipped cream for an extra indulgent treat.

In addition to eating strawberries on their own I enjoy incorporating them into various recipes. I love strawberry smoothies adding them to yogurt and even strawberry jam from scratch.

Overall strawberries are an important part of my diet and a fruit that I truly enjoy.






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